G'day All,
Itz thyme 4 an update from the land of Galleycat!
As the opening foto suggests I've once again left the land and made my way out onto the open water. This thyme I've pointed the Yot in the direction of Salamander Reef for a spot of night / dawn fishing and a trial sail home.
The trip out was the usual! Wind straight on the nose of the yot! So I turned south about 40 degrees and set the sails for a bit of practice. Well after 2 hours I'd only done about 3 1/2 miles so I gave up and pulled the WFT's down and pointed Galleycat back towards the reef.
I arrived at Salamander just on dusk and set about anchoring the Yot safely so I wouldn't hit the reef at low tide.Once this waz achieved it was thyme to set the rods and prepare my sleeping quarters for the evening. With the wind dying to nothing shortly after nightfall I new I was in for a great night. The fish however had other idea's.
I did catch a few fish but what I caught the sharks ate B4 I could get them aboard. Lotz and Lots of sharks! And 2 think I was anchored on the spot that Noah and I went diving for the previously "lost anchor".
Still I had a really good thyme and by morning was ready for the "dawn run". This resulted in a small queenfish and a school mackerel but nothing substantial.
The weather boffins predicted an early 25 knot breeze which I was looking forward to (strangely), as this would give me the opportunity to sail Galleycat back to Townsville.
However by midday the predicted breeze had not arrived and I found myself on a sheet of smooth glass. So reluctantly I started the motors and began the trip home.
A small breeze began as I rounded Cape Clevland but nothing like what waz forecast. still I raised the WFT's and caught what wind I could.
I arrived back in Townsville just B4 dusk. With the Yot safely anchored
I poured a celebratory bourbon and headed off for sum much needed shut eye.
This week has seen Richard head off on a short holiday leaving the yard minus itz leader, this was the main reason 4 my return,well the predicted strong winds might of also played a part. But with the successful trip and very little on my repair list I was really pleased with my efforts.
This lifted me out of my depressive state (finally) and once again I'm on top of the world. In fact as I type this I'm once again on the open ocean heading for Magnetic shoals around 24 miles out towards the Gr8 Barrier reef. Itz just after dark on Saturday evening and while itz not the calmest it could be, itz still sailable with only Wft no1 out and the motors running at 2000revs I'm averaging about 5 knots towards my goal. While the sea state is not calm the short sharp waves are causing a little chaos aboard but nothing I can't sort upon arrival.
With the unexpected return of Miss Mermaid back to Ireland I've found myself without my cruising partner for the coming summer months. This is unfortunate!, as I was relying on the security of a second person aboard for my opening long distance cruise to the Whitsundays.Amanda will be missed! It won't however stop the trip as I have to learn to sail this Yot myself! I'm now in the final shakedown phase of preparing for that trip. With this short journey and another 4 day trip to the reef with Kenny planned in 2 weeks I should of ironed out any gremlins and got myself into a comfortable pattern for cruising.
Friday's lunch this week was a traditional spagetti bolognaise with grilled garlic toast's. Really hearty and well received by all, except Richard who'll need and excuse note for his absence.
In the West, Mum and Dad's new house is finally underway with the first stages of demolition and final building approval both happening this week. Brother Andrew is on the mend still and actually beginning to think about returning to Groote Island. Brad has been in contact and also Big ash.
Its thyme for me to concentrate on driving this Yot as I cross the shipping lane so this'll do 4 now.
Part 2 will follow on my return to harbour Sunday night or Monday.
Enjoy your evening!
Captain Felix