Monday, 24 October 2016


 G'day All,
                  Galleycat haz once again returned to Groote Eylandt.
The trip from Thursday Island to here waz thankfully trouble free when compared to the reverse trip where we needed 2B rescued.
I'm having major telstra issues with the modem being disconneccted and it seems impossible to convince telstra to undo the changez they made and return the data connection to itz original settings.
This leaves the Yot without internet which is very very frustrating.
To fill out this blog entry I need to remove the sim card from the mobile phone and fit it in2 the modem. Hopefully we can solve the issues with Telstra in the next few days and things will return 2 normal.
I did manage to cop some damage on the trip across. The window in the Stb hull waz destroyed when I hit the jetty pylon while refuelllng at Horn Island and I also hit a floating tree, which damaged the Stb propellor, luckily I had a spare prop.
Brother Andrew haz organised a replacement piece of perspex to fix the damaged window, so we can take the Yot to mainland Australia this weekend 4 a barramundi fishing comp.
It didn't take Cory the Croc long to show up behind the yot, despite everyone saying they hadn't seen Cory for months it took him just 1 day come and say hello.
I think Honey waz on his menu planz.
With absolute glass calm waters itz a welcome change to the 20 knot plus winds that are constantly hammering Thursday Island.
 How'z the Serenity!
The Northern Territory certainly knowz how to put on a sunset at this thyme of year.
An unexpected bonus this week with a box of prawns falling from the back of a trawler onto my Yot.
The Trawler factory ship Shearwater waz parked beside me so I gave them some movies and they reciprocated with a box of large endevour prawns. The automated processing plant aboard waz state of the art with digital grading and sorting of the catch, the conveyor system even separates the by catch.
15kg bulk frozen prawns or 3 x 3kg snap frozen boxes. I know watz on the menu this week.
Captain Felix

1 comment:

  1. Ahoy Cptn Felix
    I trust that no news is good news. Hopefully the serenity has done some good and returned you to a sense of tranquility interspersed with screaming reels and alcoholic beverages. I heard a rumour you might be heading south to see mum soon? If so make sure you pack lots of fish. Too expensive to get anything decent down here. Em is keen to catch up and hopefully we can arrange to spend a few days on the YOT when we are both on the same side of the country. Anyway. Just wanted to say hi and see how life was progressing. Cheers for now. brother Mark
