G'day All,
Bathurst iz over 4 another year!
What a race 3 hours of tedium followed by 3 hours of chaos. The late race activity had me reaching for the Fellixxer. Itz been a while but it iz Bathurst weekend and it wouldn't be right not to have a drink.
During the first half I had a spectator or spec-gator, my friendly neighbourhood croc came to keep an eye on the proceedingz.
A huge crash just 14 laps from the end turned the resultz upside down completely gifting the win to Will Davidson.
I waz lucky even 2B able to see any of the race as Galleycat was stuck at Seisia with itz wonderful service black hole.
Foxtel play provided the feed when there was signal strength enuf. But considering just how remote I am any vision waz welcome vision.
Big Joe called to thank me 4 a gr8 trip the week prior. He'd made hiz way to Port Douglas already.
While my Mack took the eva popular red and white halco. My inventory iz back down to 3 primary lures with the loss of my Rapala CD24 Magnum in Mulie colorz.
I am preparing the Yot to once again set out across the Gulf of Carpentaria a short hop of 600nm and the follow up trip to the big disaster that was the last crossing.No Epirbs this thyme!
Loox like I'll ready in a couple of weex with the fibreglassing and sail repairs still needing completion B4 I consider the Yot safe again.
The lack of generator iz still the biggest handbrake to getting these major jobs finished. The cross stitching on WFT3 is failing and I need to resow over the fraying dacron stitches. Mum sent 3 rollz of upholstery cotton I just need 240 volt power to run the machine itself and a clear brain to operate said same.
I should once again have enuf water by Wednesday to get the fibreglassing done. The 2.5 meter change should see the keel dry. It'll probably take 3 goes to build the layers and strength to an acceptable level.
Both sailz R now repaired and back on the mast.
What a prick of a day, doing battle with the sewing machine. "A seamstress I am not".
The machine itself was seized so it was just as well I was in a workshop as we did open heart surgery on the motor.
The salt air seems the likely culprit DC motors don't like it onboard.(see powedive issues)
Once we freed the main crank the machine fought me the whole day til frustration (wkoa) halted work at 3pm. I'll use sticky back 2 complete the top of WFT no1.
seemz 2 grow each day.
However if I tackle 1 or 2 jobs each day, I should get everything sorted by next weekend.
The major task is the strengthening of our new keel with lotz of layers of epoxy fibreglassing.
With 3 dayz of big tides I will be looking to having the Yot ready for a short trial run on Saturday.
Lucas (welder man) is hoping to get out for a fish. I'll take it easy but still put the repairs to the test.
Thank god for sleeping tablets! because that would of been just a bit freaky had I been awake.
very close Croc Slide... |
Greetings. CF
ReplyDeleteJust as well you only nearly stepped on the croc slide and not the actual croc !!!!! That would have been an interesting experience, to say the least. Glad the repairs are nearly finished and you're nearly ready to set sail again - it seems the local wildlife is getting just a bit TOO close for comfort.
Backyard work is underway as I write this , with a low limestone edging around the 3 sides where the lawn will be. One of Dad's customers is doing this for us and I'm sure the finished result, once the citrus trees, roses and lawn are in place, should be a nice extension for the alfresco. Dad's put in the pipes to take the spa motor up into the back corner which will make it a bit quieter in the spa itself. Don't know if we'll put a tree in the middle of the lawn area, or just get an outdoor setting.
Nell and Porle have bought an old (130 yrs) "renovator's dream" at York, with plans to do it up in time for their retirement - crazy, I reckon, but they seem to enjoy doing that sort of thing.
Mum talking - PLEASE make sure you have 2x necessary fuel and tablets before you head off to Groote. I have enough to worry about without having to worry about you running out of fuel etc If necessary, buy a couple of extra jerry cans and the fuel to go in them. Dad got worried because in your latest blog entry you said "no epirb" He thought you meant you didn't have one !!!! but I was able to assure him you meant you were not going to let one off.
Will package up the BB covers, carraway seeds and bags of clips, and send them to Groote, so you should have them fairly soon after your arrival.
In the meantime, safe travelling.