Saturday 17 August 2024



G'day All, We've made it ! Almost, we are parked at Tantabbi just short of Exmouth and it took just a few short minutes after we arrived that the sharx showed up for a feed. First one then 2 then three and four all three meters long and looking menacing.
No diving 2day.
The second foto haz the 7 gilled sharx (tawneyz) destroying a mackerel frame on a rope just to simulate what happens when these docile creatures switch in2 attack mode.
The biggest surprise waz full phone and internet coverage 8 miles from the anchorage. My mate Hanni iz responsible as they have just installed the 5G tower at Learmonth airport. Not only phone service but he brought a load of supplies round from Town and as he had his whole team of 8 guys with him it took several tripz in the tenders to get everyone aboard.. galleycat swelled to 14 people on board. We are travelling in convoy with the mega yot Reel Serene, 45 ft of luxury itz good to see how the other half travel but we completed the same journey just without some of the toys. Luxuries such as an ice maker, air con and a double bed in each cabin plus a shower and toilet for each room,  Still I wouldn't like to spill blood or squid ink on the brand new cork flooring. Kim decided to do the last leg from Norwegian Bay towards Tantabbidi aboard Reel Serene which left Cameron ,Sue and Myself to bring Galleycat in2 the Anchorage. 2 hours in front of the other yot, thatz a win for the older stylists.

Once we arrived it didn't take long for Cam to land the first of many spangels. Ultra lite tackle to land a truly amazing fish. We only needed two 4 dinner so the rest were released unharmed.
Dinner aboard RS (reel serene) had fresh crumbed fillets with homemade tartare sauce and lemon wedges itz true Galleycat haz finally arrived back were we belong. the weather iz warmer the phish more prolific and the cruising iz "So" much better! I've finally left Perth behind and my new journey across the top of Oz haz begun only this thyme I intend to do it rite!

We decided to leave Tantabiddi and resupply in Exmouth so we left RS and headed across the top of the Cape past Vlf bay and in2 the Gulf. Here we tackled a good sized shark mackerel but not 2 good on the eating scale.
A quick resupply run and we were leaving Exmouth behind for a journey to "Purple Patches" refer the blog last trip to Exy!
Here'z where we finally caught more fish than we kneeded! plenty of emperor and just 1 or 2 trigger fish.
While our run North waz full of adventure I must mention our trip in2 Coral Bay! If Tantabiddi iz the crown jewel of the Ningaloo then Coral Bay iz defin8ly the other orifice! Never have I scene a town so hell bent on keeping travelling yotties away! No moorings, safe anchorage Taxi or access to the miniscule supermarket. You aren't even allowed to bring your tender ashore and the channel in iz a knightmare not unlike the Abrohlos Islandz, No anchoring while in there and no moorings available means don't bother heading in2 Coral Bay atoll!

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