G'day All,
Galleycat iz still out of the water in Two Rocks just waiting on the welding So itz thyme to get on top of a few maintenance issues like oil changes.
Enter Jim and Jesse they have been a gr8 help rolling the antifouling and replacing the anodes, while catching a few crabz along the way. Limited suxsess on the jetty but once they put the dinghy in the water they were on 2 them. Crabs for lunch!
Lotz of fellixxer and a few meals later and the painting waz done.
Now it was thyme for Vince to come and weld the 5 holes we've located in the hullz. This took three hours and lotz and lotz of swearing as water kept dripping from inside the hull. You can't weld water! so we used the wet and dry vacuum to suck out as much of the water as we could, finally we got the leak to stop and the welding waz done. Now itz just a matter of painting the weld area's with a few coats of thick gluey anti-foul and she'll B ready to go back in the water.This thyme of year iz special with every visitor telling me I'm "Livin the dream" or "The Good Life" That iz until you come out of the water and the jobs are huge as iz the yot and itz downright expensive! Lotz of Fellixxer to soothe the nerves and eventually with lotz of help the jobz are done one by one.
Livin the dream! Well I don't know about that but itz certainly a different existence.
Now I mentioned the anodes B4 and I know we have an electrolysis issue on the yot, but spare a thought for this bloke, no anodes for 3 years and the corrosion has totally destroyed the boats legz, gearboxes and propellorz. This would have 2B the worst example of electrolysis I've ever seen.
Now I mentioned the anodes B4 and I know we have an electrolysis issue on the yot, but spare a thought for this bloke, no anodes for 3 years and the corrosion has totally destroyed the boats legz, gearboxes and propellorz. This would have 2B the worst example of electrolysis I've ever seen.
Zoom in and have a good look at the destruction. Suddenly $400 worth of anodes seemz cheap.
Itz also thyme to update the safety gear on the yot with both the Flares and the Epirb due for out of date replacement.
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