1st Mackie! |
This means an active thyme with culinary delights and just a slight increase in alcohol comsumption.
The trip started with 2 dayz in the marina followed by an impromptu fishing trip with Ash and 2 Ashtons plus Aaron and Jesse, lotz of fish from a spot oddly called Coopers Shoal. 7 nm from town.
Fresh fish and salad sandwiches all round for dinner.Once they all left it waz thyme to head North around to Tantabiddi for our first nights kip down.
A few squid in the night lights had us putting in a concerted effort.
Next morning glass calm!
No anchor winch had us both out the front winding in the chain by hand.
Off towards Winderabandi and our next safe anchorage, not 2B with no defined passage through The Ningaloo.
This had us heading further South towards Norwegian Bay .Special! Nothing on the troll except half a shark mackerel. Many Sharks.
Once safely inside and anchored in 2 meters of water just off the Whaling station it waz thyme to get the dive gear out and give the hulls a clean.
Next morning after a full cooked breakfast we lifted the anchor. This thyme I drove the yot 4ward while Ash pulled in the loose chain. Then I go up the front and help lift the anchor and final chain onboard. Much quicker. The anchor winch iz still in for repairs.
Thyme 4 a big day chasing fish fillets. We went outside Norwegian bay until we hit 35 meters of water, First fish to me a nice coral trout.
Lots of emporer and mangrove jacks. Jobfish and fox fish made for some quality fillets in the freezer.
Well itz 8 dayz later and we re emerge from our enforced internet isolation (wkoa). To say we've fished hard would be truthful with several new spots yielding plenty of reef fish fillets in the freezer.
A personal best 18kg cobia was my highlight catch. What a fight! and the sharks stayed away 4 a change
Several longtail tuna on the troll had us enjoying a galleycat favorite of fresh tuna mornay. Only 2B bettered 2 nights later with a garlic prawn linguine,very special. Itz gr8 having another chef on board.
Bonnie and Clyde |
We spent the second week learning our way around The Muiron Islands just North of Exy.
One special location gave way 2 several visits to the same area with Spangled and red throat emporer filling the kill tub.
Outram Patches was our home for several dayz but this waz super ceded by our new spot we called "purple patches" not 2 far away from Outram. Fishing in 11 - 20 meters we did battle with the ever present grey coats (sharks) To call the weather special would be an understatement with really only 3 days out of 14 being considered as ruff. Calm waters had us searching deeper waters for Red Emp's and Rankin Cod but this turned out 2B a waste of thyme. With the waters around 12 meters being alive with smaller fishes but sum big ones hiding amongst them we spent most of our thyme in these shallows.
Greetings, CF and Big Ash. Fishing looks good at Exi. Hope you are both keeping safe from sharks, Covid etc. Looking forward to lots more photos and tall tales of the one that got away.
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