Friday, 13 November 2020


 Galleycat has just completed a mega journey of 850nm from Exmouth through to Perth, arriving at Two Rocks harbour for a lift out and waterblast to remove the staggering number of barnacles stuck to the hulls. I now find myself anchored  in the shallows off Hillaries B4 taking the yot further South towards a mooring in Mangles Bay Rockingham.
The journey was not without its perils with a complete replacement gearbox needed in Geraldton. The auto pilot stopped working somewhere around Kalbarri which meant we had to hand steer the final 250 miles but we managed as best we could. My m8 Kyron was crew for the journey and excelled at driving during some very ruff weather.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020



G'day All, 
                 Itz 3 months later and itz thyme 2 update you all on life aboard Galleycat, now the new computer iz online and accepting inputs I can fill the info void.
I've been back in Perth for my 50th down at Big Ash's new pad. A retro 70's theme night that resulted in much hangovers the following morning, still it waz a gr8 night for all those that attended then camped out with swags, caravans and fold out trailers. I managed a bed in one of the many donga's on site.
Then it waz thyme to head back to the warmth of the yot with fridgy Brad for a 1 week lightning trip but this meant we could bring a trailer with a replacement dinghy and motor.
The new dinghy waz a total flop with it sinking upon arrival out to the yot, luckily Brad waz able to tread water with the new outboard long enuf for me to grab hold of it and haul it onboard the fishing platform.
Luckily no damage and we were able 2 fit the 10 hp outboard to the back of the old dinghy. Suxcess!
We now have a working reliable motor for the tender with the
old aluminium dinghy 2B replaced with a new polycraft version once the yot getz to Perth.
The costs of transporting the dog on Qantas meant it was cost effective for Mum and Dad to come aboard for a 7 day trip that was marred by Dad cutting hiz foot on oyster shellz B4 we even left the harbour. This resulted in a 4 hour trip to the hospital and no diving for the whole trip, this was hiz main reason for visiting with a chance to dive on the ledgiondary Ningaloo Reef.
So we spent a few dayz floating around the Islands and catching just a few fish while the ever present whales put on a daily display around us.
It seems as though everything is big at the moment big tides give big currents and limit fishing thyme with lotz of sinkers the answer to that small problem. Big fish, Big squid and whales are ever present although the mackies are notably absent atm. 
We then drove back 2 Perth in the 380 mitsubishi never missed a beat during the 13 hour straight through trip.
The upgraded refrigeration (wkoa) on board haz proved a winner with 100litre fridge freezers by KICK ASS replacing the old waeco and evakool units. This doubles my on board refridge space and give far better power usage I can finally keep icecream and make ice for my bourbon easily.
The weather haz started to change down south so lotz of peoples wanting to head North and visit the yot.
The next to arrive will be Hanni and the boys from the middle east.
I went to the airport to pick the guys up B4 a last minute shopping trip then we set off for VLF Bay at the top of North West Cape.
Day 2 and it waz thyme 2 hit The Muiron Islands with the weather playing havoc with our plans. We had to shelter at the top island for about 4 hours until the wind dropped enuf to head out to purple patches. Lots of small stuff but the occasional bigger red throat or spangled came up.
Wind and tide combined to send us heading for shelter between the 2 Islands and a night of squiding. Only 3 squid but the guyz had a blast.
Day 3 waz still lumpy so we headed back towardz the top of the North Island for shelter and fishing.

The burley went out and the spangles arrived to play, with everyone getting at least one or two big ones. We decided to stay and burley the rising tide at night, very lumpy and only a few keeper fishes.
Somehow the 2 ropes holding the Dinghy (with the new motor) came apart during the night and the dinghy waz nowhere 2B seen. BUGGER!
This iz a major problem with the dinghy having a full set of safety gear including an EPIRB so I need to let Transport and AMSA know we've lost an Epirb.

Without the dinghy we were limited to
fishing only from the yot and no morning trolling trips.
We did manage a nice spaniard on the trolling line giving the boys plenty of quality fillets.
I'm waiting for the boys to email me a few more pics to share with you'all.
Job done they've finally emailed a few more pics!

Saturday, 4 July 2020


 G'day All,
                  After Big Ash comes Brother Mark for 10 dayz of R&R.
Once we fitted the now rebuilt anchor winch it waz thyme to point the yot North towardz the Muiron Islands for a few dayz of bottom bouncing for quality table fish.
Night one VLF bay to sit out a 20 knot blow, good choice.
Mark provided a nice chunk of beef for steaks and snitzels. Once again itz all about the food with a gr8 asian inspired chicken soup. yummy.
Some of the beef ended up as a nice curry which iz downrite decedent.
Our task of filling the freezer with fillets is underway with several nights of fishing the rising tide on our "purple patch" much activity and at thymes down right exhausting!, whoever said fishing waz relaxing should spend just a few hours wetting a line in these special places. The weather played itz hand with wind against tide conditions making for some ruff water fishing. not as enjoyable but you only had 2 wait a few hours and the wind dropz off to nothing making things special again.
More than a few bourbons headed South over the first couple of dayz.

Friday, 12 June 2020


1st Mackie!
Itz finally happened Big Ash haz arrived for a few weex of fishing and fun.
This means an active thyme with culinary delights and just a slight increase in alcohol comsumption.
The trip started with 2 dayz in the marina followed by an impromptu fishing trip with Ash and 2 Ashtons plus Aaron and Jesse, lotz of fish from a spot oddly called Coopers Shoal. 7 nm from town.
Fresh fish and salad sandwiches all round for dinner.Once they all left it waz thyme to head North around to Tantabiddi for our first nights kip down.
A few squid in the night lights had us putting in a concerted effort.
Next morning glass calm!
No anchor winch had us both out the front winding in the chain by hand.
Off towards Winderabandi and our next safe anchorage, not 2B  with no defined passage through The Ningaloo.
This had us heading further South towards  Norwegian Bay .Special! Nothing on the troll except half a shark mackerel. Many Sharks.
Once safely inside and anchored in 2 meters of water just off the Whaling station it waz thyme to get the dive gear out and give the hulls a clean.
Both propellors needed special attention as they were covered in barnacles. I'm still uncomfortable on the dive gear.
A special seafood laksa for dinner, yummy!
Next morning after a full cooked breakfast we lifted the anchor. This thyme I drove the yot 4ward while Ash pulled in the loose chain. Then I go  up the front and help lift the anchor and final chain onboard. Much quicker. The anchor winch iz still in for repairs.
Thyme 4 a big day chasing fish fillets. We went outside Norwegian bay until we hit 35 meters of water, First fish to me a nice coral trout.
Lots of emporer and mangrove jacks. Jobfish and fox fish made for some quality fillets in the freezer.
Well itz 8 dayz later and we re emerge from our enforced internet isolation (wkoa). To say we've fished hard would be truthful with several new spots yielding plenty of reef fish fillets in the freezer.
A personal best 18kg cobia was my highlight catch. What a fight! and the sharks stayed away 4 a change
Several longtail tuna on the troll had us enjoying a galleycat favorite of fresh tuna mornay. Only 2B bettered 2 nights later with a garlic prawn linguine,very special. Itz gr8 having another chef on board.

Bonnie and Clyde

We spent the second week learning our way around The Muiron Islands just North of Exy.
One special location gave way 2 several visits to the same area with Spangled and red throat emporer filling the kill tub.
Outram Patches was our home for several dayz but this waz super ceded by our new spot we called "purple patches" not 2 far away from Outram. Fishing in 11 - 20 meters we did battle with the ever present grey coats (sharks) To call the weather special would be an understatement with really only 3 days out of 14 being considered as ruff. Calm waters had us searching deeper waters for Red Emp's and Rankin Cod but this turned out 2B a waste of thyme. With the waters around 12 meters being alive with smaller fishes but sum big ones hiding amongst them we spent most of our thyme in these shallows.

Thursday, 16 April 2020


G'day All, As the title suggests life iz in lockdown while this virus runs itz course.
As Big Ash said this week if you have to lockdown somewhere it might as well be Exmouth.
In actual it makes little difference 2 life on board with the exception of no taxi available to get from the marina to the supermarket. Oh well I need to lose a few kilo'z anyhoo. Itz about 5 k's
The supermarket bring me and my shopping back to the marina (no charge) well I do spend more than $200 on supplies! Still Gr8 old fashion service.
swallow or sparrow?
I've spent the last few weex doing battle with the Fun Police in this case the Dept of Transport dropped in with a heap of paperwork for me and an order not to use either the yot or the tender as both are not registered in W.A waters despite the Australian rego number I had to register both the yacht and the tender.
All done but a real mission when your so remote from Perth but we got the job done with Brother Mark spending an afternoon at the D of T in Perth while talking to the girls up in the Exmouth office.
Itz now anutha 2 weex into lockdown and I'm just about ready to do a re-supply run again.
I haven't had the dinghy available for the last fortnight  with the carby needing further love from a mechanically minded person.
Without the outboard there's not much point in leaving the marina area still the scenery iz interesting some thymez. The yot in the photo broke up and sank while under tow back to the marina. He's having a worse day than me.

Thursday, 5 March 2020


G'day All, Itz been a while since the last update mainly due to the fact that I'm pretty lazy about the Blog when there's no pictures to back up the tailz (as some are taller than others).
Finally I have a waterproof digital camera that actually talks to the computer.
The yot iz parked just off town beach Exmouth while I await the outboard motor being serviced. Without the outboard I haven't been able to take Honey for her daily walk and the only way to get ashore iz 2 head into the marina and tie up 2 the service wharf.
The water haz been crystal with good visibility down to 8 meters and heapz of phish in the night thyme litez.
The squid have finally shown up so I've got lotz to eat and Gr8 bait for the bottom fishing.
Lotz of maintenance stuff going on but not much else as usual something still breaks each day itz just a case of keeping on top of the list.
I'm putting together 2 planz at the moment One to The Montebello Islands and the other to Coral Bay the monti's being twice as far as Coral Bay and between Exmouth and Coral Bay therez a small thing called The Ningaloo Reef all 150 km's of it.
Exmouth iz basically a travelling yotties idea of heaven with supplies being backed up to the side of the Yot from the taxi and 2 gr8 supermarkets in town to get supplies from..
The diving on the reef iz as good as The Great Barrier when you find the right patches. Itz still a learning curve as I try to locate remote anchorages away from the pressure of a boat ramp (ie south of Tantabiddi boat ramp) at this stage the top of the Muiron Islands looks good with shelter and a good fringing reef to set up as a dive location.
The powerdive unit iz ready to get us down to 10 meters in search of fish for dinner