Sunday, 6 December 2015


Left front yard!
Right front yard!
4 metre croc in backyard!
 G'day All,
                  As many have noted there'z been another rather large gap in updates!
As xpected I had a visit from my demon again, this waz anticipated and allowed 4.  The illness and lack of pharmacy on the island saw me upsetting my tablet routine and this is not a good place 2B. The local wildlife is now paying a daily visit  A 4 metre lizard is now a more common sight than is comfortable.
So leave here I must and locate a better spot 2 park for at least the next few weex.
I'm heading away from the harbour in favour of a tropical sheltered bay of the bottom corner of North East Island.
This should provide ample shelter, fishing, diving and swimming opportunities. While keeping me close enuf to have internet service.
Being only 30 miles from town I can return for supplies easily or return for Cyclone protection.
The added bonus of having other boats leave town and join me when they're not working.
Andrew and Chris will follow on Friday nite or Saturday, weather permitting.
I'll finish the home brewing by Wednesday giving both the Yot and Andrew's place a decent supply of whisky both American and Irish. the product is barely drinkable at 3 days old but getting smoother each day it ages on the charcoal woodchipz
So far Groote haz not lived up 2 itz fishing reputation but the trip North should change that. That said I did get a visit from this large Tarpon which leapt aboard the other night.
He was presented the following morning to the local lizard as a peace offering.
Tis not just myself feeling the mental strain the whole township is in the gripz of "Mango Madness" with daythyme temps in the 40's and a constant 90% humidity life without air conditioning is enuf to send anybody slightly bonkers.
I'm constantly reminded of officialdom (even here) and itz always in my nature to "push back"! This can have far reaching reproccusionz for those around me, so itz a far wiser decision to distance myself even further although I'm now on the border between white and black Australia and I'm simply not allowed to go ashore on "their" land.
This in itself is an authoritarian decree I simply don't understand or feel is binding however Brother Andrew is a Guru on the subject so I will follow hiz lead on this.
So as of 2day my new address is some non descript bay on the bottom end of North East Island which is just north of butt fukk nowhere!
I'm waiting 4 the isolation (wkoa) and solitude it can only be an improvement on my current mind sense.
Galleycat out!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings, CF
    Glad to see you back on line - I rather expected you might have a downer after all the physical and emotional stress of the last few weeks. Hope you're back on the upward swing, despite the fishing not being what you'd expected, and the local lizards hanging around rather uncomfortably. Take some time out to smell the fresh air !!!!
    We've got family Christmas here on Sunday, and brother Doug is coming over, which is nice. We're also having a visit from friend Chris (as in Chris and John), just after Doug goes home, so things will be fairly busy for a while.
    I'm looking forward to heading for Groote in the New Year, to catch up with you and Andrew for a while. Healthwise, I'm travelling pretty OK at the moment, with no obvious side effects from the drugs I'm on, but we won't really know how effective any of it has been until I have scans in March 0 but so far, so good. I hope you've got everything you need now in the way of tablets. Have arranged a nice little hair thing to be made for Dr Janet - should have that next week ready to send off.
    As you're now on the phone, I'll talk to you with the rest of the news, rather than write a novel here.
    Take care of yourself (and Honey)
    Lots of love
