WTF not WFT! |
G'day All,
This week is all about Hydraulics!
My task of having the Yot ready 4 Cairns is well on trak. "Not that this Yot needz trax."
I've now turned my attention to the final item that would stop the Yot from being able to leave port in just a few short weeks.
Otto has proved 2B a most troublesome (yet essential) part of the Yot, U only have to read the previous entries to appreci8 this fact.
Every thyme I put to sea, Otto (the auto pilot) rates a mention!
Very few of these mentions R favorable, in fact only the first 2, that I can find. After that He's caused nuthin but problems, especially during the past trip to the Whitsunday's. So itz now thyme to remove him and bring the autopilot system into this century with the addition of a hydraulic
"octo pump" to take over from the 1980 version Raymarine wheel pilot.
As the opening foto showz this is not the easiest of processes, without spending around $3000!
After much discussion at "the table of knowledge"
Shaun (from Two Rocks) came up with a proposed wiring diagram that "might do the trick".
After sourcing the necessary bits from Altronics, I connected the old Raymarine Head unit to the Newly sourced "Octo-pump" and threw the switch.
Muchly Amazing, I still don't quite understand how it works, but it works and thatz all that matters.
So with this weex goal of having the Autopilot replaced by the end of the week almost done, I'm now well in front, with installation now the biggest hurdle.
The dinghy too has had a further upgrade with a new windscreen being fitted this week, itz only the covers and towing drogue now stopping me from crossing this item off my list .
This past weekend dedicated to replacing the 2 damaged sections of railing and replacing a large section of the fishing platform.
I've also fitted these "fashionable?" END CAPS to the stainless angle on the deck. I was struggling with a "rather" (english/Irish accent) complicated rubber clamp system that hooked over the rail to stop you kicking your toe every thyme you pass.
Noah's suggestion "wear shoe's" !
So in true Galleycat fashion I put shoes on the railing!
I got several fishy fone calls this week, specially Brother Andrew who is catching way more fish than any of the rest of Australia (good on him,"Bastard",see lesson learnt blog entry!).
I've also had a few emails from, I'm guessing Miss Mermaid back in chilly Ireland, apparently the sun is now shining on the uthu side of the world. ,
Itz still warm here,
This thyme last year Mermaid was just awakening from winter hybern8tion while I was melting.
but at least this year the cloud cover has stopped the worst of the blistering heat. Most of the work at the moment is attributed to the cloud cover. As this thyme last year progress was stationary due to massive rainfall.
Itz heartening to appreci8 the difference before and afta on the progress of THE YOT!
I'm amazed, and I live here!
With the "EPA" inspection last week I had 2 move everything Galleycat owns on board, Not bad until you realize that my stores are a few months in front of my current job.
I had 2 leave the refrigeration foam on shore but everything else is now aboard. including the solar hot water unit and the main water filtration (wkoa) head. This has meant that I've had to incorper8 these 2 extra's into my work list. Moving water collection and filtr8ion up on "the list".
Frigy Brad and Miss Dee gave me these 2 items and itz only now that I realize their significance as being major items.
BIG STATEMINT (until U realize)
I'm just about to seper8 from both shore power and water!
The biggest energy consumer onboard is water!
"This is weird as I'm surruonded by IT!"
Brad has now given me both of the essential systems I need 2 survive, as I cross the Top of Aus,
I'll now B able to, not only catch the water but filter and heat it! Without Power Input...
That'z only if I get this Ottopilot up and running, And make another Friday Lunch, as last weex will take sum beeting!
Roasted chicken quarters with cajun/creole spice, grilled eggplant, cauliflouwer cheese and new potatoes with fresh mint and parsley butta! "Richard payed this week"!,still more thanx from someone I should be thanking.
It loox like both trips are off! as I'm not ready to head 2 Cairns, which in turn makes me not ready to head to either Perth or Brisbane this week as planned.
Not that I'm in anyway complaining as I settle down to a fellixer and thai chilli mudcrab, not 2 bad for a Monday kind of Friday,
Til next week (if I live that long)
Greetings, CF.
ReplyDeleteMethinks you should read Ernest Hemmingway's novel, The Old Man and ths Sea, which has the most famous quote, "Water, water everywhere, though ne'er a drop to drink" !!!! Good to know that things are pretty much on track for the Cairns trip - only a month away now. I hope you've ordered some nice weather for the trip. Good idea to get Mr Mick over there for the return journey from Cairns - I think he'd jump at the oppotunity to go fishing on the Reef.
Interesting diagram!!!! It looks a bit like my spaghetti dinner, but if you can figure it out and make Otto work it will be a job well done.
Dad's up the road helping Noel (the brickie)with the first of the walls - all the retaining walls and the lower level of the garage should be finished this week, so things are really starting to move. I think by March we'll all be glad of a few days R&R on a yacht sailing through tropical islands somewhere!!!!!
New class this year is shaping up oK - just a couple of the boys who will test us somewhat, but most, after 2 weeks, are already much improved in behaviour and work standards.
Better go - things to do and places to see. Take care and be happpy
Mum xo.