I'm Back!!
G'day All, Itz been a while since I've done an update as many have noticed.
I needed to get myself a little more stabilised plus I've been a bit busy with the re build of the Yot!
As U can sea the second hull extension is coming along and the Yotz starting to look like a boat again.
Ken is back from his holiday and I've got more thyme to get Galleycat ready for my upcoming departure.
The rains are only days away now with the thunderstorms now brewing in the afternoonz.
I've got so much that needz 2B done before I head West in 2 weeks.
But if it doesn't get done then I'll do it when I return from Perth somethyme B4 Christmas.
As long as the new extensions are watertite and all the bilge pumps are fitted then the rest will just have to wait
We are just 1 sheet of fibreglass away from completing the second hull then a quick paint and the pontoon will B classed as complete.
As with any of these upgrades there's heepz still to go!
Like the fibreglass side walls, plus 2 back stays and the fishing platform to be remounted.
We filled the inside of the old hull area's with expanding foam.
This should keep any water that gets into the buoyancy tanks to a minimum. Just half a cup of foam was poured into this area and the entire area was soon full of this gooey foam. The trick is not pouring too much in and having it expand over the edge, but we got this one just rite.
Loox just like a loaf of bread.
This was the final area of the old hull 2B closed up, now the yot is back to the pre alteration status.
Each stage is taking a monumental effort but as long as one job gets done each day then I still have progress.
The whole extension has added a completely different feel to the Yot with it being a lot more balanced.
I've begun to reset all the motors and pump systems and the rear deck electrics. This is my sign that the extensions are nearly complete.
Along with this job, at night thyme I've been busy replacing the floor viewing window with itz new improved version.
This window is a fantastic feature but has proved 2B problematic with leaks. This new version has the plexiglass mounted between three layers of nema board and the whole piece fibreglassed into the floor.
Letz see the Bastard leak now!
The BATHURST countdown is in full swing with just 5 days to go B4 the first practice sessions and less than 2 weeks until I jet off towards Perth.
On a sad note the yard's faithful watch dog "KODI" is no longer with us and this has cast a sombre mood over the entire yard.
It now I remember why I don't have a pet!
The Friday lunch routine continues with the last 2 offerings being stuffed jacket potatoes and 2 big platters of chicken Caesar salad.
The barramundi season is in full swing with big barra herding baitfish into the shallow for an impressive display.
I'll sign off hear and apologise for thje delay between entries but it could not be helped.
Captain Felix
Greetings, CF.
ReplyDeleteGood to see the progress on the "Cat" - just don't cut any more big holes in her. I look forward to seeing the finished product before you set sail for Christmas in the Whitsundays. You and Kenny have obviously been VERY busy but keep in mind that this is your house, and housework is never really "finished" - there always seems to be something to do, even if the house is on dry land. Seems amazing that it's a year since you all went to Bathurst - how time flies. Let's hope for a Ford win, or at least a good showing.
We've been flat out this week, with rehearsals then into the theatre for "Ruddigore" Four performances down and four to go (Th-Sat this week), but this week will be MUCH easier as we don't have the tech and dress rehearsals to start the week, as we did last week. The show is going really well - much enjoyed by all.
Con and his boys move in today to do the rendering in the upstairs part of the house, so all should be ready when you get here - looking forward to it, and can't believe you'll be here in 2 weeks. It seems SO long since you were home.
I'm sorry to hear about Codi - it's amazing what a gap they leave in our lives, isn't it. I still can't get used to Bradi not being here,( even though we have Sunny), and I miss her terribly.
I had a REALLY bad day last Wednesday, with the events of the last 10 years or so all piling in on me and making me feel like hell - Mum, Dad, Andrew's illness, your situation, Brandi and so it went on. Oh well, I suppose we all have days like that once in a while, but they make us reflect on the things we've lost and also, more importantly, what those things and people mean to us and how much they gave us. We have to move on, and it's having friends and family, both past and present, behind us that helps us to do so.
Better go now, got things to do.
See you soon, and say hello to Kenny for me - don't forget to ask him about a trip to WA.
Mum. ox
Salve Capitano!
ReplyDeleteIt's a pleasure see that the jobs on the Galleycat, the most crazy cat in the barier reef see, are quite ultimated!
I always speak to my friends about the beautifull time spend with you and Brendon.
In bocca al lupo