Wednesday, 5 June 2013


G'day All,
As many of you have noticed,
 I've been a little lax in filling out the Blog over the last few weex.
Several reasons-
The Marithyme Safety boat is consuming us all during the day thyme.
My mind is still struggling with a few issues,
The Yot is being fitted with itz new bathroom,
Plus the new dinghy is in need of much attention as well!
The Blog is a little low in the priority list after all that stuff consumes my waking hours.
Itz a bizzee thyme aboard the Yot, and I still feel as if I'm going nowhere and getting nothing done.(mind issuez)
I thort I gave up the life of work work work for a life of sunshine and leisure.
How rong I waz!!!!
That doesn't mean there is no sunshine or leisure.
I have in fact managed a fishing trip, and caught many mudcrabs this week.
 Along with much thyme spent modifiying the new freedom machine as well as the bathroom fittout.
The dinghy and I set off on Sunday for a
 "get 2 know each other session".
Lotz of issuez arose but I caught a few mudcrabs, plus a nice threadfin salmon, lotz of nice tussles and generally had a good thyme.
The Hummingbird Side Image unit iz taking sum learning on just how to read this new technology proper like.
The live bait well system worx well but it defin8ly needz a lid, (as the mullet keep jumping out of the tank.)
The bimini top needs to be altered so itz not interfering with the fishing or driving of the dinghy.
Even little thingz like having a tiller steering style outboard instead of a forward steering wheel are a new experience 4 me.
But all the set up issues aside I think itz all going to work well.
I have to remember that my last dinghy was modified over a vereee long period and I cannot expect to bring the new unit up to the same level of practicality or fishing comfortability in just a few short weex.
One of the big priorities is the fitting of a solid flat fibreglass floor, with the materials all here for the Yot hull extensionz and the kitchen fittout, I used 2 sheets of Nydiaplas sheeting to make a solid but light composite floor 2 meters x 1.3 meters.
The floor is in 2 pieces to allow easy removal and cleaning.
This will B finished over the next few days (in between other small projectz).
I'm also fitting a "high water alarm"!,
if more than 4" of water is in the dinghy an alarm will sound 2 alert me of the problem B4 the dinghy reaches sinking point.
Then I'll set about sanding and painting the dinghy itself, but I'll need a few more tripz to make the necessary changes B4 a final paint job and carpeting.

Lotz of work, but iz it really WORK????
That'z a battle for my mind to deal with!
It feelz like work, but I'm not sure fitting out your boat can be classed as "work".
 While the dinghy and the Big Yellow boat take up my daythyme hourz, as the sun goes down my focus changes to the interior of the Yot with the bathroom receiving most of my nocturnal attention.
This is kind of my "SANITY PROGRAM!"
 sort of a way to keep my mind occupied during the many hourz of insomnia based sleepless nitez.
While the bathroom itself didn't need a refitt, it was the one room I waz really unhappy with! and now even more so!
But that'z only because it currently seems to consume my entire life. Once the task is complete I'm sure I'll forget about the late nite effortz and just enjoy a relaxing HOT Fresh water shower in relatively nice surroundingz.
The new room is slowly becoming a reality with final designs and trims still being worked out, even today.
The change is a stark transformation (not Ironman) with the Blue marble and white tile color scheme seeming to work well, however the blue laminex vanity top is a shocking color and needs urgent attention! It will be spray painted with the basin in situ some thyme soon.
The mirror tiles and shower head are now fitted and just need final silicone seals and trims.
The ceiling and sump area's are also complete with just final sanding and painting of the sump area still 2 do.
The curved door trims are temporarily screwed into place and will be glued and filled during the next few weex B4 they 2 are painted.
Lotz of progress and lotz of thunking !!!
Each day proves 2B a new challenge with just one task being my daily goal. If I achieve more than that, its a bonus!
 The curved cupboard front is still a major issue with several attempted designz failing 2 work, so that is the job that'll be left until last.
While all this "work??" goes on, I'm acutely aware of the complete lack of "culinary imput".
This I will rectify, even as I type this- during the first "State of Origin" rugby game, I'm preparing a couple of trayz of Lasagna for Friday's lunch this week.
And the threadfin salmon I caught on Sunday was turned into a superb steamed fillet with creamy chive and lemon sauce. I basically haven't been eating anything much over the last few weekz just picking at bits between jobs.
Once the marithyme boat is gone and the bathroom is complete I'm hoping to alloc8 more thyme each day towards enjoying food as it should B instead of just a necessity.
But 4 now itz head down and continue with the upgardes and yard work.
I think another 2 weeks will see the bathroom complete and the yard return to some sense of normality.
I just have to last that long without driving myself 2 destruction!
Itz been busy on the contact front as well with Noah (crazy cannuck), Miss mermaid, Ken-Mr weathersfield, Carl, Big Ash, Carlo and Brothers Andrew+Mark, Mum and Dad all keeping Telstra busy.
It loox like the "BIG CHOP" will also begin in the next 2 weeks with our work on the Marithyme safety boat just aboot (Cannuck speak) finished.
While our job is done the other sections are not yet complete like engine maintenance and cabinetry with the boat staying on the cradle for at least a few  more weeks.
This means Ken and I will have a bit more thyme each day to put 2wards the new pontoon project. Now all the basic materials have arrived itz just purely a case of having the spare thyme to begin.
Itz taken hours and hours of work??? but the new bathroom is nearly complete with just the final trims and painting left.
Itz  somehow fitting that the painting will be final stage as it always seemz 2B with this whole project.
I took some thyme out Sunday morning for a trip out wide  into the bay in hope of a fish for supper, but alas the weather godz were less than kind and soon forced us back to the shelter of the harbour. I did manage to catch a really nice bream but decided 2 release it once we returned to the yard.
The dinghy 2 is almost finished with this test proving just how much can be achieved in a week.
If I can keep this level of momentum I should have the Yot ready for itz trip South just B4 Christmas.
The Magnificent Whitsunday Islands and possibly the Fraser Island area is the planned destination.
Galleycat will be ready
Thatz it for this update!
Captain Felix


  1. Ahoy Cptn Felix - Welcome back to the land of communication and enlightenment. A few points need clarification here. Working on your OWN boat all beit a dinghy is NOT work. And.... you are absolutely right... that blue laminex is vile!! Swap that for a crisp white and the bathroom will be fit for a million dollar luxury yot. Glad to see the dinghy modifications are getting the felix touch and it has already been put to use in returning your no doubt weary bones out to sea where they seem to gather renewed energy and focus. Hope the freedom machine MKII treats you as well as the old quinny did. Happy times ahead and plenty of updates to keep those of us tied to desks in sunny WA up to date. Cheers for Now and great win to the Blues tonight. Brother Mark

  2. Greetings, CF. New bathroom stuff looks pretty impressive - look forward to seeing it next week . All it needs now are some Geelong posters (or some red towels as a splash of contrast and colour)!!! House stuff is progressing well - formwork for upstairs going in this week with possible upstairs slab Friday or early next week. Wet areas seem to be an issue with both of us, as I was unsure how best to arrange the laundry to give us ironing space, bench space and hanging rail for the ironed clothes. Got it sussed by putting the dryer under the bench and mounting the trough in the benchtop. By the way, Rhonda (who used to work for us at Duncraig and now works at Bunnings) said to say hello to you - we saw her last week when we were looking at bathtubs etc. Also met a chap at Hardly Normal whose name was very familiar - asked if he came from Melbourne- yes; Mt Waverley-Yes. His dad owned the local electrical store!!!!!
    Will catch up with most of the news next week - Wednesday morning into Townsville.
    See you then.
    Mum xo
