Wednesday, 25 December 2013


         "MERRY XMAS TO ALL!"
G'day from Galleycat,
I know itz been a long thyme since the Blog haz been updated as many of you have made clear but I'll make no apologies as my focus haz been firmly fixed on finalising the upgrades and preparing the Yot for sea. I promise this tardiness on the Blog entries will change once we are ready for sea!
I've now been back aboard for 2 weex and the changes are many and really fantastic!
The yardz Xmas party haz come and gone with around 120 people attending this year and by all accounts it was a roaring success. Much alcohol and food was consumed.
The work on Galleycat is continuing at a feverish pace in an effort to set sail sooner rather than later.
While I was out West, Kenny and Torsten were busy fitting the major support beam between the new rear pontoons. This massive piece of aluminium used 2B a mast in itz previous life, but now finds a new home as the support for my fishing platform and rear deck extensions as well as providing incredible strength to the new hulls.
The fishing platform has also been modified by our on board German Engineer "Torsten", this has now been fitted to the afore mentioned beam and is covered by itz layer of "Turf It" artificial grass.
Several design modifications (wkoa) have been made and the rear deck is now enclosed while the new bash plate/cupboard floor is fibreglassed and ready to fit after the Xmas break.
The whole extension looks like it was there the entire thyme. We only have a few fibreglass jobs to complete then a quick coat of paint and the task will be complete.
This is not strictly true as we still need to refit the rudders before the Yot is ready to sail again, but this shouldn't prove a major hassle as they simply need to be re bolted to their original positions. If you look back through the blog to when the rudders were originally fitted you'll find the task is just a little complicated as the rudders actually "float" which means they will have to be weighed down then I'll don the dive gear to swim them under the Yot and feed them into the new rudder tubes we built into the extensions.
There is still lingering doubts regarding the extensions- will the outboards be too high?, will the yot perform better or worse?, will the dinghy lift system work? these are questions that will be answered shortly as we set out for our trial run but with the level of precautionz and the inherent strength we've built into our work at the very least I've got 2 new life boats.
The new hatch covers are nearly complete with the underside guttering also nearing completion with just a few layers of glass and a huge sand up 2B done.
The Yot seems like an entirely different beast with each of the new improvementz coming online.
 It is really nice to be able to start thinking of basic cosmetic improvements such as exterior wings to shape the old hull into the new, and as an added bonus for Xmas I've treated myself to a few meters of marine carpet for the interior, to replace the second hand old house carpet that stunk once it got wet.
The Yot is barely recognisable when compared to wot we started with 3 years ago itz taller, longer and far more suited to coastal cruising than B4. Itz now thyme to put all the hard work into use and with the arrival of the new "powerdive" hookah unit I'll be able to explore below the surface as well as above.
Not only the Yot is getting special attention but the new dinghy is as well, with a coat of heavy duty epoxy paint being applied to the bottom of the hull to protect it from the effects of corrosion and weed growth.
I've finished refitting all the electrics and gear to the dinghy and put it to good use over the last few dayz to catch a few mudcrabs for a special feed 2nite.
The rear deck kitchen has also had an upgrade with a new stainless steel bench top being fitted along with anutha drawer under the bench.
The original idea of moving the microwave outside had been shelved and replaced with a new space for the dish draining racks under the bench.
I was kind of looking 4ward to have a vegetarian on board for the first stage of the trip to The Whitsundays but apparently Torsten is no longer vegetarian, but he is still German apparently!
One of the Engel fridges haz died while I was away leaving the Yot with minimal refrigeration capacity but this we plan to overcome with an extra icebox and blocks of ice.
The herb garden is looking fantastic with cucumbers, cherry tomato's and capsicum being added once I returned.
I have one dilemma that hasn't been solved and I fear it never will!
"There is simply not enuf room for the fishing rods on the rod rack!"
With the addition of the four new rods brother Mark gave me plus an extra supplied by Big Ash I find myself with 11 working rods but storage room for 6.
"Big Problem" but if thatz my biggest, then life cannot be all that bad.
Life is slowly returning, through the difficult period of the last few months I doubted I would get to this stage.
There's still a way 2 go but I'm seeing a clear path emerging..
The thyme has come to get underway with the Northerly winds kicking in and the Yot nearly ready itz now a scramble to fit the rudders and rear safety rails (well rod holding rails).
Itz now Sunday 29th and I have had to accept the simple fact that I'll not B leaving B4 New Year.
This did cause a temporary return to the Bluez but with Torsten firing up the music and Bourbon these Blues soon were forgotten!
We have Richard's Yacht on the main slip for antifoul and service while we paint his boat we're also going to paint Galleycatz new extensionz.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


 G'day All and several Uthers,
                                               As I wait 4 a much delayed Qantas flight out of  Perth airport I thort it was a good thyme to update you on the last weeks happenings.
When I say much delayed I'm not joking, as I've now been here for 2 hours extra, however itz much better they fix the plane rather than send us on our way then realise itz busted.
My task of tiling the bathroom is now complete and with basic fixtures like toilets and tapz the room will be ready 2 use.
The long awaited bathroom cabinet never did arrive so we purchased a temporary cheepy from bunnings to see Mum and Dad through until the New year.
Many hours of grouting by all of us has completed the job and made the final product look really good.
I'll be back in just a few short months to tile the downstairs area and complete the job.
Until then I'll settle for spending the next few months sailing around the Whitsunday Islands while I wait. BUGGER!
With the completion of the tiling it was also thyme to begin the uther task allocated to this trip, that of turning all the 30 year old jarrah roof timbers into useable lengths of jarrah timber to send back to Kenny in Townsville.
These timbers range in size from 4''x2" to massive 12"x2" beams all of which had to be de-nailed and sorted then cut to length.
This took a couple of days of hard graft but I've ended up with around 2 cubic meters of stacked and palleted timber. This will now be strapped and wrapped B4 being loaded onto a semi trailer for transport across the country.
The weight of the pallet made driving to the hardware interesting as the trucks front wheelz kept bouncing of the road.
I've spent many hours with friends during my return and this made me realise just how important those friends are in the grand scheme of things.
While I was able to help several with some of their day to day chores and problems others I couldn't help so they'll have to wait until my return journey. Sorry Guyz.
I never did get out 4 a fish with Mr Mick and this is 1 major thing I will fix upon my return to Perth. The fishing ban will be over by then so we intend to head straight out to the deep waters at the back of Rottnest in search of grey banded cod and big mulloway.
I was amazing to C just how much the kids have grown in a few short years with each family I visited having normal sized children where toddlers once roamed and others holding teenagers where children used 2B.
My quest to reconnect with my own child (Cameron) is now underway and this is something I'm both apprehensive and optimistic about.
It will be good to get back to the slower pace of life and leave the "rat-race" behind. But I needed this trip to re affirm my desire to continue with my life journey.
It seems such a long thyme ago that I stared my demon in the eye and I'm now wondering just what the hell was going on within my brain.
How I could think my existence didn't need to continue is beyond me. However I realise the demon isn't gone, but just held a bay by a chemical cocktail I must regularly swallow. This I hope to reduce with a diet of sun, sea and tropical islands over the next 3 months.
My connecting flight to Townsville left hours ago, so I must now spend another few hours waiting for the next available seats at Brisbane airport. Only then will my journey back to Townsville be complete and the next stage of Galleycat's adventures can be written on these pages.

Saturday, 30 November 2013


G'day All,
                As most of you know
 "I've got a problem!" the bourbon evaporates quicker as the weather getz warmer!
This is a common problem and one that can be rectified by returning to Townsville for a refill of Felixxer.
The tiling in Perth is reaching a definitive point where it can be left until my return early in the new year when the downstairs area is also ready.
With this stage complete my desire to get the Yot underway again has returned, lotz of things on Galleycat need 2B finished B4 I head towards the Whitsunday's with Torsten.
So Late next week I'll jet off again bak to my life on the Yot with a renewed outlook on life and a "little" hope returning to my world.
The lawyer type people were here today finalising the family court documents to regain contact with Cameron.
 So itz a positive day all round.
Plus itz a Friday and the means I actually have to "buy" a bottle of bourbon!
The bathroom is looking really good with just final cutz needed to complete the main area's.
The cabinet guy will bring the vanity middle of next week so I can finish the trims and mirror.
Then I'm estimating around 18-25kgs of grout needz to be applied and cleaned off the surfaces.
Only then will my job be complete and I'll head back to prepare for the yard Xmas party.
I'm hoping to stay awake longer this year with a dismal effort last year of 8pm. Lydern, Patricia and I stayed awake until 2.30 am the night B4 preparing platters of food.
This year I intend 2b smarter with a limited selection of food and easier prepar8ion for myself.
"Life" is sumthing I'd forgotten about, itz taken this trip 2 remind me of all the things I'd left behind.
I don't mean the good things like family and friends but the over powering "negatives of life".
 I don't miss the traffic, phones, sirens, constant deadlines, traffic litez, wind, noise and perceived expectations(wkoa) truly these facets of day 2 day life I'd managed to remove in my new life and as such had forgotten.
The rest of you can have these thingz all to yourselves, me I prefer sun, water, tropical islands and yes even the fibreglass dust (in moderation).
I'm renewed reinvigorated and ready to "complete" Galleycat and continue with my quest to find an even more tranquil existence.
I still have commitmintz to Family and Cameron but I've now said my goodbyes to most others, I realized during my dark thymes that I hadn't said my Goodbyes! this is something I've now rectified and when the thyme comes I can rest in peace.
My task of tiling is by no means complete, in fact itz not more than a quarter done. But the other trades need thyme 2 do their thing so I'll be back when the area is ready "and" the fishing is open!
Huge area's of the downstairs is 2B tilied with large floor tiles and another bathroom, powder room and toilet plus laundry as well. So I'm thinking 2-3 months for the next stint and then if all goes well and itz meant 2B I'll complete the task then join Andy and Jemma to transfer a Yot from Mandurah back to Townsville.
Big Ash and I spent last Wednesday evening on the Mandurah estuary  looking over "Cat Loose" for Andy. After this was complete we didn't waste the opportunity to have a fish!
Every "MULIE' (not pilchard) was met by a ravenous Tailor bite. So much so that we went 1 for 1 with bait to fish for around 2 hours just after dark.
We ended the nite at a far more sensible hour this thyme and were both home B4 midnite!
My efforts to procure a Powerdive unit for the Yot are coming along with several visits to their outlet on Stirling Highway. The unit itself seems to of passed all of my test criteria and they have been very helpful with regards to any long term faults I might encounter.
This Summer period should be one of Joy and Happiness with the addition of the Powerdive plus the upgrades made to Galleycat during the year I'm hoping for a "Life changing" period thatz been made better already with Big Ash and Kenny both confirming they'll be joining me in The Whitsundays.

That all for this entry
Captain Felix

Thursday, 21 November 2013

P.T.S.D- Perth Tiling-Serious Drinking

 G'day All,
                 "No! I'm not dead" Not through lack of trying!
Either Alcohol poisoning, sleep deprivation or various other attempts have failed. so the task of ridding Perth waters of sum of itz delicacies continues. Big ash and I head out the uther night for a spot of nite thyme fun, with fish and squid our main concern. Both were located! on a near perfect evening / all nite affair.
The weather waz Hot and balmy so afta a big day building Ash's new Temporary house we bid farewell to his family types and headed out to meet Carl, brodie and chloe who had parked their boat about 5miles off Scarborough beach.
After a few hiccups with the trailer(thanx cooper) we found our fishing companions and slipped straight into the action with snook, tailor, squid and countless other species coming over the sides.
The other boat had to leave around 11(kidz need sleep) so we headed out a little wider and found a patch of ground to set about finding our target fish.
King George Whiting- we only found 1 but we only needed 1 when it weighed in at over a kilo. several other blinding runs had us fishing rite through until dawn when it was thyme to head back to the building site for more construction.
That task is nearly over and my main task of tiling
has begun again in full swing, after the "grate delay" the new tile cutting saw also proved to be a dud.
With itz replacement arriving today itz now thyme to complete the upstairs bathroom and begin the adjoining toilet.
The task is not easy as all floor and wall joints must align in both rooms and the trim tile is smaller by 2mm than the main wall tiles. still the task is nearly complete and tomorrow I'll fit the wall tiles to the toilet and cut the window reveal tiles in the bathroom.
Once all wall tiles are fitted the job of flooring will continue, the floor levels are all floated and the correct drainage set. Now itz thyme to fit the grate and fit the tiles to the shower, bathroom and toilet as a job lot.
On the catch up front I've had a very busy few weex with just about everyone receiving at least one visit so far. Tony is proving to be elusive as ever but lotz of others have made up for his recluseness!
Mr Mick has his boat primed and ready and Hanni has made contact by fone a couple of timez.
I'm going to be sure to spend thyme with both in the next few weeks.
An unexpected surprise was an afternoon in the local pub (Yes thatz rite I spent an arvo in a pub) Kevin from West Coast Angling made contact and we set off for the Whitfords tavern, after a dozen or so beers! We returned to the Duncraig house.
This trip seemz to of been just what I needed to fend off my demons!
 I'm simply too busy fishing, building and visiting friends to have thyme to be depressed.
Several long nites / all nighters have taken their toll on my sleep levels but other wise life is all good
 "for a change"!
The only down side is the lack of closure on the "Cameron" front, but I did celebrate his Birthday for him and sent him a card while sending his Mum a bundle of family court applications for custody and access. So not a total loss on that front either.
Revelation of Importance...
it is now clear that absence does not make the heart grow fonder but just the opposite! How quickly "Mates" can forget.
After being absent from the Perth scene for just 3 short years many previous mates have moved on and no longer consider our friendship  even important enuf to return a fone call or text.
This is a little unsettling for me but I'm now in a stronger mental state to say "itz their loss" several attempts at contact have resulted in zero reply's so I'll now focus on those that want to catch up and spend thyme.
It is also clearer that blood truly is thicker than water.
with the entire family unit making my return a welcome one.
On the return note a big farewell 2 Lydern my Whitsunday travelling companion of last Christmas. He's jetted his way back to his life in Malta.
Also I'm leaving Perth and heading back to the Yot and another Christmas period cruising the 74 islands of The Whitsundays.
My tiling job will begin again early in the new year but itz now clear I desire my life aboard Galleycat.
The hustle and pace of "normal life" is not sumthing I now want to be part of. Itz the little things like traffic, sirens, traffic lights and constant deadlines that make me realize just how different my new life really is.
Also a point to note:
When handling sharp kitchen knives,
PAY ATTENTION! as my guide finger now bears the mark of a simple lack of concentration.
Once the upstairs tiling is complete I have only a few tasks left while in Perth.
 Wednesday this week I'll head 100km's south to Mandurah to have a look a 2 yachts for Andy and Jemma back in Townsville.
Once that task is taken care of I also intend to visit "Powerdive" in Nedlands to research their floating dive unit which is one of my biggest desired itemz for Galleycat. The ability to dive the Great barrier reef without scuba tanks would be unsurpassed!
The "dive locker" in the middle of the rear deck was built specifically for this item with a large hatch designed to accommodate the floating compressor unit.
The head office is on Stirling highway and easy to visit while I'm here but not so easy once I'm back in Townsville.
I'll also make 1 last ditch effort to contact Tony B4  I leave as he seems to of vanished from everyone's radar.

More to follow!

Sunday, 27 October 2013


 G'day all,
My return to Perth has been as expected with many issuez and also joyous happenings.
As the first pic showz there R still heaps of phish when you know where to look.
Big ash and I headed offshore on Friday chasing a feed of whiting.
We caught a few (57) plus something much bigger came to play. Afta several big bust offs we upsized the gear and revealed a couple of nice gummy sharks.
We covered lotz of ground on a perfect day weather wise with good results coming from just inside Rottnest Island.
We found a heap of good sized sand whiting while the 2 gummy sharks  made up the kilo's.
In Perth currently you aren't allowed to catch any fish that swims on the bottom or is bigger than a 30 cent piece, so we did pretty good considering I don't hold a current West Australian boat fishing licence.
Bloody rulez and regs!
The fisheries in W.A make catching a feed a difficult problem unless u think outside the box as Ash and I did. With the demersal closure in effect we had to chase different species so we targeted big sand whiting.
Ash's new boat worked a treat with the calm water we set off at a pace that makes Galleycat look just like a snail.
Mr Mick is due back in Australia in around 10 dayz so I'm hoping for a few more trips out wide B4 I return to Townsville.
I've only had thyme to catch up with a few mates so far but with my work schedule easing I should get more opp's too catch up with Carl, Tony, Hanni plus a few others as well.
Unlike Big Ash who's catching a few zzz's B4 anutha big nite.
A gr8 BIG Aussie G'day to Miss Mermaid who'z made contact again afta being absent for a long while.
Also g'day 2 Alicia (another blast from the past)
It seemz everyone here is busy with their lives and itz twice as busy as B4 I left. With a bit of luck I'll catch up with everyone at least once.

Tiling was the main reason I came back and that task has begun with the upstairs sunroom being tiled during my first week here.
The rest of the house isn't quite ready yet, with downstairs awaiting render and cupboards while upstairs I'm waiting for a stainless steel grating system to arrive. This will allow me to set the "falls" on the floor so the water drainz towards the grating. Once the floor is set I can then apply the waterproofing to the shower recess and bottom corner before the floor to ceiling tiling begins.
The other major reason for my visit is to try and locate Cameron my missing son who would be 13 years old now and hasn't been seen since he was just 3.
The lawyer type people have been and filled out all the necessary forms to begin court proceedings. But I'll be happy just finding out he's alive and happy.
this has been identified by the head doctors as one of the reasons for my depressive episodes.
Until then the tiling will continue along with any other jobs I can help out with on site.
 As I mention my fishing partner Mr Mick is returning to Australia this week.
 So I see many days spent on the ocean reliving former days.
Thatz all for now but I'm sure more will follow over the coming weex B4 I return to Townsville and The Yot!

Captain Felix

Sunday, 13 October 2013


As the chant goes out across the land-

Itz thyme to update U on yet anuthu amazing Bathurst 1000,
 Wow! what a weekend,
And what an result!
 Ford on top "finally" and nail biting racing for the last 20 laps.
The only question left is just what to do with the rest of the food?
Fruit platters, cheese platters, sushi platters, antipasto platters plus a few sweet treats in the freezer.
With the racing as good as it turned out 2B there wasn't much thyme 2 eat much of my culinary cre8ions, as I'm typing this Mark Webber is leading the Grand Prix
A very special weekend of Motor Racing is playing out just perfectly.
This thyme last year I sat trackside watching the Gr8 race!
While this year I'm still aboard The Yot getting ready to head towards W.A for the next few months.
I'm reflecting not only on just how blessed I am to be here, but just how lucky we all are!
My Family and Friends are incredible.
Brother Andrew and Brother Mark are both rejoicing after what was truly a spiritual event!
This is the only day of the year that Bourbon B4 breakfast is acceptable!
Itz a true celebration of motor racing with the new manufacturers providing no challenge for the usual drivers to rise to the top and go punch for punch during the last hour.
The final lap causing near heart stopping moments.
With the passing of this monumentous weekend itz now thyme to focus my attention on heading 2wards Perth for the next few weex to tile Mum and Dad's new house.
I have this overwhelming sense of finality, thatz driving me to get the Yot as prepared as I can B4 I leave.
This week Ken and I managed to close the second  extension with the final piece of hull being glassed into place on Saturday morning, the last of the window leex have also been repaired with the creation of a fibreglass cap to fit the front corner of the windscreen and side windowz.
This will B used to cover the "butyl mastic" sealant that must replace the old sikkaflex sealant.
There is just 2 much expansion of the different plexiglass windows to use a solid sealant, this is also true of the main hull- pontoon joints which will also be fitted with the flexible sealant and cover system.
The Yot must be cyclone ready B4 I leave as we are now in the season and without me aboard to prepare Galleycat I must leave very little for the guy's to do should the need arise.
This means clearing the foredeck and roof area, removing the WFT's and securing all hatches.
Itz Tuesday nite and the world is much betta than it waz!
 Several people have come 4ward 2 congratul8 FORD on the weekendz effort.
We are no longer surrounded bye SMELLY HORRABLE STUFF!
 But a constant stream of floating rocks!
Sumwhere there haz been a volcanic eruption because we have a yard full of "pebbles" (Not the FLINTSTONE variety" The yard is slowly being covered with these "floating rocz"!
I've added 1 of these little marvels 2 the "Totem" pole !
A special care package arrived from W.A today with the Template 4 the bathroom window, several pictures 4 the wallz of the Yot, a couple of new drawers 4 the outdoor kitchen plus a new bathrobe just 4 me.
As the fotoz show the work on weatherproofing the Yot is nearly complete. I'll pack my bags on Thursday with 10 litres of Felixxer, 5 of Jim Beam and 5 Jack Daniels plus a bottle of Jamesons for Andrew.
I'll B in Perth for Friday nite drinks this week and hopefully get the computer up and running soon afta.

Footnote: Itz Thursday Nite my bagz R packed AND I'm full of apprehension and mixed emotionz!
I cannot help but feel I'm saying farewell to THE YOT!
I know this is stoopid and pure mental anxiety But at the same thyme I watched Noah leave for a month and a year later he has yet 2 return.
So 2nite is a true testimony to my home of the last 3 years. the stereo is on, surf and turf on the B.B.Q, Felixxer is out and I'm about bid my goodbyes "Just in case"!
The changez that have occurred during my thyme here have been truly amazing, Ken and Wendy (kenz wife) came for Dinner last nite and the screen saver showed just how much Galleycat has emerged from "Paseo", the transition is as complete as I could achieve in my thyme here. I can only allow hope into my life again with the simple wish that I return to complete the journey!

Captain Felix!

Friday, 4 October 2013


 I'm Back!!
G'day All, Itz been a while since I've done an update as many have noticed.
I needed to get myself a little more stabilised plus I've been a bit busy with the re build of the Yot!
As U can sea the second hull extension is coming along and the Yotz starting to look like a boat again.
Ken is back from his holiday and I've got more thyme to get Galleycat ready for my upcoming departure.
The rains are only days away now with the thunderstorms now brewing in the afternoonz.
I've got so much that needz 2B done before I head West in 2 weeks.
But if it doesn't get done then I'll do it when I return from Perth somethyme B4 Christmas.
As long as the new extensions are watertite and all the bilge pumps are fitted then the rest will just have to wait
We are just 1 sheet of fibreglass away from completing the second hull then a quick paint and the pontoon will B classed as complete.
As with any of these upgrades there's heepz still to go!
Like the fibreglass side walls, plus 2  back stays and the fishing platform to be remounted.

We filled the inside of the old hull area's with expanding foam.
This should keep any water that gets into the buoyancy tanks to a minimum. Just half a cup of foam was poured into this area and the entire area was soon full of this gooey foam. The trick is not pouring too much in and having it expand over the edge, but we got this one just rite.
Loox just like a loaf of bread.
This was the final area of the old hull 2B closed up, now the yot is back to the pre alteration status.
The floatation of the new extensions have given way more lift that we hoped for.
Each stage is taking a monumental effort but as long as one job gets done each day then I still have progress.
The whole extension has added a completely different feel to the Yot with it being a lot more balanced.
I've begun to reset all the motors and pump systems and the rear deck electrics. This is my sign that the extensions are nearly complete.
More polyester resin will arrive this week allowing us to complete the curved wall and the last pieces of trim. Then I can set about re- connecting the pods with basic systems including lights and hatches.
Along with this job, at night thyme I've been busy replacing the floor viewing window with itz new improved version.
This window is a fantastic feature but has proved 2B problematic with leaks. This new version has the plexiglass mounted between three layers of nema board and the whole piece fibreglassed into the floor.
Letz see the Bastard leak now!
While the work continues life is slowly getting back to a sense of normality. I've moved my sleeping quarters out onto the rear deck in an effort to overcome the nite thyme heat.
The BATHURST countdown is in full swing with just 5 days to go B4 the first practice sessions and less than 2 weeks until I jet off towards Perth.
On a sad note the yard's faithful watch dog "KODI" is no longer with us and this has cast a sombre mood over the entire yard.
It now I remember why I don't have a pet!
The Friday lunch routine continues with the last 2 offerings being stuffed jacket potatoes and 2 big platters of chicken Caesar salad.
I have even managed to put out a fishing line with the unexpected result of a nice flathead for dinner.
The barramundi season is in full swing with big barra herding baitfish into the shallow for an impressive display.
I'll sign off hear and apologise for thje delay between entries but it could not be helped.

Captain Felix

Sunday, 15 September 2013


G'day All,
                 Life aboard the Yot is slowly returning 2 "NORMAL" ?
With my attention now focused away from my internal conflict and heavily on building the new hull extension.
As with all work itz been Kenny that's driven this recovery, with some choice words and extra enthusiasm we are now well on the way to completing the final hull.
The yard has gotten increasingly busy which haz also helped as there is no spare thyme for little  things like "depression".
We currently have a 40ft yacht for antifoul and a fishing club boat for a complete make over.
But MY focus is firmly on the new hull and waterproofing the yacht before the coming "WET". The temperature has returned to Townsville Norm which is around 30 degree's each day and the humidity is steadily climbing signalling the coming rains.
So there's very little thyme left to finish this hull and the 2 big hatch covers that'll stop the rains from flooding the new hullz. Pressure!
Ken has been here to help every step of the way, even coming in on Saturday and Sunday this Weekend.
With the declaration "We will get to the reef before I leave for The Whitsundays." The challenge is on!
 On the leaving note, my trip to Perth is now confirmed, booked and approaching rapidly, so I'll see most of you very soon.
The Weekend saw me covered in fibreglass! Resin in my hair and beard and all over my shirt so out came the scissors and clippers to remove my winter coat. The fibreglass dust is also less than pleasant. Itchy Scratchy Stuff!
The hull is taking itz final shape with the rear end curve now in place and the first of the bulkhead access panels removed we can now use this access to strengthen and fit the internal keel and supports before the big flare is fitted to the inside edge.
As usual hours and hours go into this job but nowhere near what the first side took with each day seeing major steps towards completion.
The V8's were on this weekend, B4 and also during the racing the big screen on the rear deck was used to allow us to miss the ad's and lead up waffling  and just watch the actual racing.

With the final curves comes the ability to make the old sections of the hull watertite. this will signal the beginning of the end of the construction phase of the build.
Itz really good to feel the Yot "level" as it floats this week, our task has proven suxsessful with the Yot now slightly bow down in side aspect.
Once the next order of fibreglass resin arrives on Monday we will be able to finish the polyester and epoxy sections of the build.
If all goes well the hull will match itz mate by Friday, however Kenny is heading South for his Anniversary on Wednesday so if I cannot get hold of Torsten I'll be left to complete the yard work as well as the hull extension work.
 Like my internal struggle the yard is also experiencing a few issues!
 We are surrounded by a HORRIBLE stinking scum of 4" of blue green algae that is killing fish and making crabbing not a good idea. This stuff is also affecting my mood as I'm standing and living in it each day. Life is an unhappy balance at the moment and minor thing like this algal bloom make my recovery just that little bit harder. Each new bigger tide floats more of this scum higher up the yard and the new hulls. I'm definitely going a little "yard crazy" at the moment with dust, scum and minor issues like swarms of nite thyme mosquito's making Queensland: not so Beautiful one day and even less so the next.
Its hard to believe that just 120 miles South of here is the Fantastic Whitsundays and just 50 miles East is The Gr8 Barrier Reef, I need to realise that my physical being is what I make of it! Several thymez this week I've felt the weight of my demonz returning. A balance of both Ignorance and Focus should combine to keep me pushing 4ward.
As B4 itz the little things that kick off the spiral and itz also the little things that can halt it as well. If I take thyme to feed the fish, water the herbs, cook real food and wash the clothes then I should manage to stave off the Spiral for enuf thyme that I can complete this stage of the Yot!
Several very close calls with the ultimate demon has seen me spending more and more thyme with the SHRINK and even a visit where the help came to me!
I need to get this under control sooner rather than later, for my and my families sake.
I'm trying to get hold of Torsten to live aboard the Yot B4 and while I'm away in Perth and having a second person here should limit the possibility of anutha destructive spiral.
This week has seen some of the lowest levels I've seen and itz definitely thyme to turn things around!
The Christmas I'm heading towards The Whitsundays in an effort to regain last years highs to replace some of this years lows

Thursday, 29 August 2013


G'day All,
               Firstly a big THANX to all the family and friends who have supported me through these past few weeks. Many offers of support and help have flooded in, at times more than I could handle and this lead to a period of withdrawal and isolation.
I am by no means fixed or even close to returning to a sense of normality but I must begin the road back and to do this I need to resume the lines of communication and start rebuilding myself.
For those outside the LOOP I've been in a Major Bi-Polar Depression spiral during the past month or so which resulted in Hospital visits and a very close call with my Demons.
I wont go into the details but suffice to say that steps are being taken to prevent this from       reoccurring again.
Baby steps at this stage and part of that is to update the Blog again.
As you can see the work on the second hull has begun with the stainless steel framework now complete.
As with the hull removal what took three days on the first hull took just 4 hours this thyme.
 We are now EXPERTS? with this side literally
 fitting together like leggo. Having the other side available to take measurements and several hundred photo's is proving a major help.
We will begin the huge task of fibreglassing the exterior next week, and fingers crossed this should be largely complete by next weekend.
Life has had to slow down lotz during the last month with very little being achieved and at thymes nothing at all, now slowly that will change. Only this thyme without the pressure each task is to be enjoyed and accepted for what it is instead of being seen as a chore.
The front windows on the lower cabin roof have been removed and replaced with solid Nema board, it was these windows that created the wood rot issue that sparked my spiral.
Food is also slowly being reintroduced instead of opening a can of corn or pickles I've begun to cook meals again.
This Friday was a feast of traditional American hot dogs.
With 6 types of sausage as well as heaps of trimmings only NO sauerkraut.
Last Friday was Italian Gnocchi with two different styles of sauce. A creamy tomato and basil plus a carbonara.
Tonight's challenge is to make my own coconut cream for a fish curry. I've now been shown how to shell the green hull of the coconut using a machete. Thanks again Ken.
Ken is back from his prospecting trip with Gr8 suxcess topaz, gold, sapphires and rubies has Ken already looking towards another break in a few weeks.
My life goals for the next few weeks are much simpler- enjoy each day as it comes regardless of the obstacles encountered.
My Birthday came and went during the past month along with that of Big Ash who's Birthday is the next day. Ash has taken the family to Bali to celebrate.
Thanxs Brother Mark who provided a special Highlite during my dark thyme He asked what I needed My answer was nothing?
 He insisted, I said Ok, just a lite fishing rod, to replace 1 broken recently. Not 1 rod arrived but a tube full of 4 rods, average 5-8 kg spin tackle rods. This arrived during a very deep thyme and I didn't actually open the tube until the other day. Wholly crap!
Life is no longer simple and small thingz need to make a big difference a few fishing rods can mean so much.
Captain Felix