Friday, 28 December 2012


G'day all,
Today marks 2 weeks since we left Townsville on this little adventure.
Christmas cheer has come and gone, now everyone waits for the party that is "new years eve".
When I last updated we were back in Airlie Beach. Ready to pick up a couple of visitors and head out again, however there was the small matter of Christmas in the way.
So with MUCH Christmas "spirits" We all enjoyed the festive season as best we could.
(see opening photo)

A merry thyme was had by all and as usual the food was terrible!
We bid farewell to our German friends after a short trip to Armit Island for a dive. Where I found my first painted crayfish!
Back to Airlie same day to pick up our new guests from France. Florene and Emma. These 2 bubbly people were  polar opposite to our last visitors. Really fun 2B with and all round good company.
I'm rapidly learning that most of "travelling" isn't the places you visit, but the peoples you meet while your there.
After we resupplied and re-fueled it was thyme to depart once again, with good winds we set off for Cid Harbour.
Cajun BBQ'd chicken with  greek and bean salads for lunch washed down with tropical fruit punch while we sailed towards Cid's place, only 2 find it full of "others" So after reconsulting the map we changed our destination to a little place, big enuf 4 one or 2 yachts only.
May's Bay is just outside Cid Harbour and a far more betterer place to set anchor for the evening while we got to know our new visitors. However we found the coral a little earlier than we hoped and put a sizeable hole in the left (port) rudder. (easy fix when we return to Townsville). After a fantastic dive it was thyme for dinner and drinks while we got chatting.
I got the Yot underway around 5am while everyone slept. Taking full advantage of the big tides I "roared" past Hamilton Island at a whole 7 knots. Round the bottom of Whitsunday island before heading to Chalkies beach for a sensational dive (best visibility of the whole trip) Fed countless reef fish with our bread crusts . Lotz of laughs and giggles from our French connection. Back to Whitehaven after a full cooked breakfast.
We felt Whitehaven / Hill inlet deserved a second visit while we were here.
  After a close call with the tide dropping we set sail once again for Marcona inlet on Hook Island. B.B.Q'd mushroom pizza's for lunch with sausages and fresh potato salad while underway through Whitsunday passage.
We reached our destination around 4.30 pm and while the others went for a last minute dive I set about making a traditional bolognaise sauce for dinner.
Showers and drinks all round before we settled down for a gr8 spagetti served with grilled cheesy garlic bread followed closely by lemon cheesecake for dessert. Itz amazing how many people can't eat all there main meal but still find room when dessert arrives.
Lydern kept everyone amused with his attempts at squiding.
After a lazy start on Saturday morning we set sails and headed back 2wards Airlie as our guests needed to head to Byron bay for a music fest.
Our return to Airlie, marks the end of our Whitsunday adventure, sort of !!!
With a big blow expected for the next 3 days we are changing our planz and delaying our leave date until this wind slows.
So we've put out a few flyers at the backpackers to see if anyone wants a lift to Townsville, while we wait out this blow. Who knows we may brave the conditions and head up to the top of Hook Island for a few more dives in the sheltered waters of either Manta Ray bay or Butterfly bay.
With Christmas happening there waz lotz of calls/ emails and texts across the country and the world and itz at this thyme of the year I realise just how far away I really am.
The list of people that made contact is to big to individualize but thanx to all that did and Bah Humbug to those that didn't.
That's it for this week as itz now 2.30 pm and definitely thyme for a nap.
Cheers from Galleycat and crew and we meet again next year!
Captain Felix

1 comment:

  1. Greetings, CF.
    Looks like you had a thoroughly miserable Christmas, what with white sandy beaches - don't you hate all that sand!!!!- dreadful company with a group that didn't seem to stop smiling and a positively AWFUL looking Christmas dinner. I'm glad you managed to survive!!!!! The Airlie trip will have given both you and the Cat a good shakedown and have given you a much clearer picture of what you are both capable of doing. At least with Andrew at Groote you have a very good stopping point on your eventual trip West - should be about half way around, by my very rough calculations. We had a good Christmas, starting in Perth and ending in Melbourne where a gay time was had by all. it was nice to get away for a few days and catch up with the Melbourne locals, particularly Auntie Millie and Edyth Kirk (Nana's particular friend whose husband died a week after Uncle Athol) Both are managing quite well and I/we were able to spend quite some time with them.
    Looking forward to catching up for the trip to Cairns in a few weeks -hope the Cat will have any repairs done by then!!! Perhaps I should bring over my own meals, seeing the ones on board are so terrible!!!
    Will speak to you soon
    Take care and stay happy
    Mum xo
