Sunday, 11 November 2012


Cordellia chaos is an appropriate title for this weeks update.
I was preparing the Yot to head out to the reef, the first stage of this process was to fuel the boat!
After putting 240 litres of unleaded into the tanks, the tide went out (as it does) the port tank inspection hatch sprung a leak!
Nobody light a match!!!
Raw unleaded fuel flooded the interior of the Yot! (X-plosive) This'll need lotz of attention!
Repairs undertaken, bilges washed and cleaned, I decided on a shorter trial trip with safety in-mind.
Cordellia rocks was my chosen destination (wkoa) After sailing/motoring Friday evening I arrived just B4 dark , the plan was to head towards North east bay on Great Palm Island on Saturday morning, however the weather godz stepped in. With 20-30 knot winds forecast for Sunday. A change was coming both in the weather and my planz. So I set sail ! Yes sailz! towards the safety of Horseshoe Bay at the bottom end of Magnetic Island. Arriving around lunch thyme. Unfortunately the change waz coming and bought with it a weather front. The Bay itself was obscured by rain and cloud as I arrived. I noticed just 3 or 4 Yachts in the bay before the rain blocked my vision.
Safely anchored in the bay I settled down for some much needed sleep.
Around 3pm I awoke to find around 30 more boats had found shelter in the bay around me. The rain had cleared and the wind abated. I set up for an afternoon/night of fishing!
TRUE Pandemonium!
 All aftanoon and night.
At thymes I had 3 rods hooked up with catfish, sharks, mackerel and threadfin salmon keeping me very busy. My best catch a 5 kg threadfin!
The catfish around 3ft long and 10 kg kept me on the go.
More than I can count, inter-spaced with sharks and lotz of squid. FISHING HEAVEN!
So much so that I took lines out of the water just B4 sunset so I could cook dinner and enjoy the experience un-intterupted.
The action didn't slow afta dark in fact it got better! Nirvana. I actually stopped fishing around 2am.
I had a steak out of the engel 4 dinner,but a mackerel volunteered itself.(self sacrifice)
Steamed mackerel with white wine and chive butter, fresh corn and carrotz plus creamy pepper potato. Enjoyed on the foredeck as the sun went down over the island. And the beanbag wasn't bad either.
GALLEYCAT LIVES!(this mite actually work)
Bak 2 the fishing! Chaos again,lots of broken rigs,1 broken rod and lotz of bruises.
Just B4 dawn I upped anchor and headed back 2 Townsville B4 the expected Big Blow!
I arrived just before high tide at 7am.
Safely secured on my landing it was thyme 2 take stock!
nuthin broken nuthin damaged nuthin xploded!
All in all anuther suxcessfull trip!
Upon my return an unxpected twist!
Maidenstone! My concrete neighbor has gone!
This yacht has bean my next door companion for the last 2 years. Apparently she's gone 2 Cairns. Fare-well yon Maiden!
Kenny will sense a loss! I'm sure.
Friday's lunch B4 I left waz crumbed chicken drumstix with salad platterz! Nuthing left for Saturday! A truly yummy taste sensation (wkoa) !
Life has continued,
 I'm bak and life is continuing however my purpose now is clearer!
Itz thyme 2 get myself going!
Tomorrow I'm starting the whole process again, from the very beginning making damn sure that the Yot is ready 4 sea!
Itz thyme 2 make sure I and any guests are safe from exploding fuel tankz.
Apparently(afta much internet research) all I need is Permatex type 3 as a fuel gasket sealant.
By next week I should be ready once again 2 go to C!
finga's crossed!
Brother Andrew is now back at Groote Island and  caught a longtom on on his first trip.However he does have lotz of squid 4 dinner!
I'll b there soon,
Turnz out returning waz a really good idea- itz now blowing itz tits off here!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings, CF
    Life is slowly returning to some sembalnce of normality on the west coast, after all the busy and stressful times with Andrew.
    Your 2nd photo, without my glasses on, was a bit of a scare - it, at a glance, might have been an exploding yacht!!!!!! However, on closer inspection, a beautiful sunset is a much better option.
    Glad to hear your trip, though shortened by the weather gods, was another success, and the fishing so good. Better make sure the Cat is ready and safe by Christmas - possibility of a couple of visitors for a few days!!!!
    I've never doubted that "this might actually work" - it has just taken a while for you to get your life on the track to which it is best suited - now enjoy it !!!!!
    Went to see Carol last Friday -she is doing quite well by keeping very busy. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you, and we'll pass on your address to her.
    Lunch looks yummy - think i'll come and join you !!!!
    Take care
