Nothing strange bout that except 4 the simple fact that Dad had absolutely no idea he was coming here until he took Brother Mark 2 the airport.At which thyme he waz "kidnapped" and put onto the same flight out of Perth as Brother Mark.
This kame as a rather huge shock as he had zero, nadda, zip or no idea that he'd B spending the next 9 days in Townsville. Let alone parked on the Gr8 Barrier Reef catching fisch. Hopefully!
Needless 2 say both of them R passed out from sleep deprivation (wkoa) And I have a very LONG nite ahead of me! As I keep watch over my precious, now sleeping, cargo.
The second foto is Robin proclaiming a "new piece of Australia" as "The land of the Galleycat" Did I mention how bumpy it is out here? Just trying 2 type this is a major mission! Back 2 the new piece of Oz. We had 9 tonne of crushed granite delivered 2 the yard during the week and the only spare spot was just behind Galleycat. This created a new Island as the tide rose and as of now I own a country! Not very big or mineral rich but still itz proclaimed as THE LAND OF GALLEYCAT!
Who know's I might even B able 2 collect "a carbon tax!" Anyhow did I mention how bumpy it is. We spent the afternoon trying to solve a major generator issue. Once again Kenny came 2 the rescue with a borrowed genset that'll power the Yot during the next week. Don't even get me started on the useless people behind the company known as Adventurers Corner or alias AGR machinery. I'm still waiting 4 my replacement generator after 5 weeks! And numerous fone callz!
Still we are underway and heading 4 The Gr8 Barrier Reef with Gr8 food which is in essence the purpose (little dolphin) of Galleycat.
After a hectic few hours of last minute shopping, loading, organising and preparing.
We were ready just in thyme 2 set off around the corner 2 catch a feed of Mudcrabz 4 dinna! B4 the Yot floated on the incoming tide.
Mission accomplished!
With both Mark and Dad filling thier faces with boiled crab as a simple appetiser. The main meal was tomato and basil cream penne pasta. Which was devoured by all onboard.
There is lotz more 2 report and much more 2 say but 4 now itz way 2 bumpy 2 continue spell checking every line. So I'll sign off now with another installment 2 follow.
B cool!
Captain Felix (shaken not stirred)
Greetings CF et al
ReplyDeleteHope by now the shock has worn off a little and Dad is enjoying the time away - I know Mark will be. The photo of them devouring mudcrabs seems to indicate all is well. Hope also, that the weather does not stay too bumpy, or you may find yourself with a couple of seasick landlubbers on your hands. Three cheers for Kenny, what!!!! Tell Dad the shop has survived for 24hrs without him!!!!!, and he's done quite well so far on his footy tipping (6 from 6 if, as I think, he picked Essendon to beat Bulldogs) Pity you didn't get a chance to see the powerboats, but better to travel safely now and be back for the V8's.
Will keep in touch via Blog for the next few days. Have fun.
Footy tipping update - think you got 8 - Nth beat St Kilda, but Cats and Brisbane both won today, Also, Fever won by 2 in the netball - Cath Cox into shooter and Bassett to the bench into 3rd quarter- made all the difference. Hope the weather's holding and the fish biting !!