As the title suggests Itz been a really frustrating week! The temperature has limited practical work time to just a few hours each morning and evening, with the middle of the day reserved for moving into the big shed for heat relief.
Then on queue this week the mozzies arrived in plague proportionz making the evening work period un-useable.
Still progress is slow but steady!
Several people asked for side view photo's of the YOT ,so the size of the "Pergola" would be clearer. These 2 shotz should give you all a rough idea of the finished size.
The Kitchen wall still needs it's trims and the wall will extend behind the rear post on a downward curve from the deck height to the rear backstay.(wire)
The kitchen was put to good use for Friday's lunch! On thursday night I coated myself in Tea tree oil and braved the squadron's of mozzies to prepare a mixed platter of corn fritters,scotch egg's, chicken and asparagus fritata plus boiled eggs, baby beets and carrot stix.
Also I cut some fresh fruit that was served with cinnamon and pineapple yoghurt. YUM! This meal was enjoyed by all in the shed.
As you can see the front window frame is progressing well with the routing of all the edges set to take place tomorrow morning at Kenny's house. Then the pieces will be epoxy glued together then fiberglassed for even more strength.Only then can the roof be removed, taken back to the shed for final sanding and painting.
The aluminium side trims are now riveted onto the sidez of the pergola with just short of 200 rivets. I've ordered the led lighting for the rear deck, this will be fitted in four long strips 2 down the centre beams and one on each edge. I need to allow enough wiring space for the lights, both deck and fishing plus the 7 solar panels plus the 2 wind generators and a rear navigation (wkoa) light. Lotz of wire !!!
On the fishing side of things I've scored a few mudcrabs this week and also a nice queenfish as well. Ken and myself are heading for bay rock on Sunday for a quite fish, so fingers crossed we should have fresh fish and salad for next friday's lunch.
On a sad note my beloved camera has finally died today and needs a burial . I would of had a few more photo's for tonight's update but alas itz not 2B.I'll work on getting a replacement this week but waterproof digital camera's don't fall off trucks very often so it may take a few weeks to source a new one.
Manda Mermaid has been in touch this week, Frozen mermaid!! it was minus 5 degree's in Dublin.
Big Ash has also been in touch with "TURF IT" his business getting bigger and bigger by the day.
Brother Mark and Mum and Dad have also been in contact. Three weeks to go B4 the V8's start for the year. Mark is off to Adelaide Clipsal 500, Bastard.
That's about all for this week
Keep enjoying life and try to stay cool or warm depending on just where on the planet you are!
Captain Felix.
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