Friday, 16 September 2011


G'day All, as the title suggests itz been a week of mixed fortunes. The major problem is this piece of shit computer system that I was sold by Marine PC in Perth.All week I have had zero email ,music,internet etc etc....
We've taken the main unit apart today and decided to replace the hard drive and ram??? but for now itz working so I'm typing as fast as I can b4 this bucket of crap dies "again".
G'day to all the West Coast Angling boys I got an email from Ian at the start of the week but each time I tried to reply the damn computer died....
As you can see from the pics we got out
for a quick fish early this week. Expecting to find more grunter ,we rigged lightly only to have every livebait and rig that we sent to the bottom completely smashed. Turns out the elusive doggie mackerel I'd had no success chasing had settled right under the dinghy and destroyed every attempt to stop them.
After upsizing the rigs and gear we then watched dumbfounded as 1 rod complete with penn liveliner reel screamed off the back of the boat disappearing rod,reel and rod holder gone!!!
Followed quickly by another rod snapping on the initial take, we were 2 rods down ,no livies left and no fish landed,very frustrating indeed.
Then things turned around with 1 doggie falling victim to a pilchard followed shortly by another screaming run on the smallest rod. Usual story! 20 minutes later Matt waz still hooked onto a 5ft hammerhead shark on 15lb line (not a bad effort) No sooner did we manage to land the shark(Matt's biggest ever fish) then the only rod left in the water screamed off with another doggie. So after a bleak start we returned to the yard victorious! Fresh fish for dinner that night.
The barra and Mangrove Jack activity has begun to improve so shortly (tonight)I'll start fishing from the bow of the YOT again.
Back to the frustration stage I've also had a mobile
phone failure with no speaker for my voice so I can hear people but they can't hear me. Lotz of works been happening on the YOT with the rear window gone now.The anchor winch mounting block and wiring installed,the battery bank is now installed under my bed and the mounting blocks for the 2 new sail winches are glueing together ask I type this. The work to achieve these small things is huge with hour after hour of cableing, fibreglassing, wood shaping and general hard graft.But I did get out for a fish so I can't complain (besides who'd listen) also I've taken several trips outside the harbour for the guy's in the yard and a couple of crabbing trips also yielded resultz.
On the culinary front a gr8 lasagna, steak/red wine sauce with 5 vegies,new batch of yoghurt, a lemon layer cake and a Thursday night BBQ that extended into Friday's lunch has made for a pretty busy week in the kitchen/galley. The new hydroponic tubs are doing really well and all the plants seem to of survived the transplant.
I've done a few jobs in the yard to help the boys out in between tearing this YOT apart to move the battery's and install the anchor winch.
This weekend is the first round of the V8 enduro's so I figure I'll be glued to the TV on Sat and Sunday arvo's "letz hope for a FORD victory"
Kenny is heading off to Kiwi land next week and with Big Rob away picking up a vintage Motorbike with sidecar I think we might be a little short handed next week but as long as I get a couple of jobs done each day ,the end game getz ever closer.
The paint scheme for the rear deck area has now been finalized as a terrazo style finish in very light
creams,browns and the occasional orange and black flexs thrown in to give a sort of african style colour scheme. This style of finish was installed on "loose rust" in a blue colour and it looks amazing.
Any how I won't push my luck with this Damn Puter so itz bye for now from Sunny North Queensland.    
A special G'day to all those who emailed and called this week! Sorry I wasn't able to reply.
Ciao 4 now
Captain Felix.

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