Friday, 15 April 2011

Thyme for an update!

Friday is upon me already! The Muddies are running thick tonight. I've got 4 already! This week has been flat out, the mast has taken a back seat with all my efforts going into the alfresco kitchen / bbq area. The aim is to have a BBQ on Easter Thursday arvo on the back deck, So today the kitchen got a final sand and fill before fibreglassing this afternoon. Saturday will see me sanding the fibreglass and preping the whole area for spray painting next week.If all goes to plan (wishful thinking) I'll have the plumbing,electrical and laminex on early in the week with gas hookup and stainless work on wednesday. Final plans are being drawn for the daybed to begin construction once the mast comes down.Hopefully all the set up issues with you guys posting comments have now been sorted out. It's amazing how much Perth effects things here,One day this week I knew Mr Mick was sneeking in a mid week fishing trip(without telling me!) even before his boat hit the water,He was a bit suprised when I rang to ask him if he'd caught anything,not bad 6000 km's away and I've still got my finger on the fishing pulse in perth.He only caught an undersized dhu,black arse cod and a 10kg cuttlefish, by the way. Carl sent me a few photo's of the Spanish Mackerel he's getting at the moment.Tomorrow night see's the start of the banana prawn run here so needless to say I'll be spending the next few nights chasing my next feed of garlic prawns/tom yum/prawn kebabs/crumbed prawns you get the picture.
Tonights Menu, Chilli mudcrab served with jasmine rice,depending on how I feel later dessert will probably be a caramel sundae. I was showing a bloke how to make caramel sauce last night so the left over is screaming out to be turned into something sweet. This week has also seen my yoghurt flavours increased with apple,sultana and cinnamon joining the staples of mango/passionfruit and strawberry. Also tried out making fresh english muffins with a reasonable product for my efforts.
That's this weeks news Ciao 4 now!
Captain Felix

1 comment:

  1. pitty we could'nt catch shit for the comp on the w/e.
