G'day All, Welcome to another Xmas on Galleycat!
Thursday, 29 December 2022
XMAS 22!
G'day All, Welcome to another Xmas on Galleycat!
Thursday, 24 November 2022
G'day All,
Well itz 2 weex later and after a brilliant run down the final stretch Galleycat has made it back to Ocean Reef Boat Harbour in Perth.
Jim returned to the yot with hiz best friend Gypsey, it waz thyme for Sue and Gypsey to get reacquainted.
I've spent the last week on a mooring in Lancelin waiting for the swells and wind to subside and we were blessed with flat calm conditions and no wind to speak of. This allowed us to do the last 55 mile run in 7 hours. No motor or filter issues for the trip which has slowly rebuilt my confidence with the motors.
Well itz taken a couple more weex but Galleycat has finally made it back to Perth. After a week tied to the jetty in Ocean Reef Boat Harbour waiting for the windz to drop. Plenty of crabs here.I have now completed the last 20 nm and find myself in Mangels Bay Rockingham. This iz 2B my summer haunt.
Monster Squid, 5 minutes after we arrived in Lancelin Jim had a squid jig in the water 20 minutes later the alarm rang and we had this monster squid for lunch. diamond cut and fried with chilli and garlic enuf for both of us.
Saturday, 22 October 2022
G'day All,
Sunday, 2 October 2022
G'day All,
Monday, 19 September 2022
G'day all,
Itz thyme to say goodbye to the yot! I need a break from my reality as my demon has returned!
Big Ash iz due in a week and I'm planning to head back to Perth when he returnz. Ash will be up here to trial a 150K power boat with the option 2 buy said vessel.
My current train of thort iz to leave Galleycat behind in the marina and return to Perth for just a few weex of much kneeded R&R.
I need to remember just why I live my life as I do! and every now and then I need a kick up the ass to get my thunking back on board with my reality.
I must explain the opening foto, this iz a "Sturt desert pea" plant, that I found during my morning dog walkz. It grows with zero love, no water, no food just harshest of conditions, but still it manages 2 survive and bloom in such a hostile environment. My kind of plant!
As 4 the title "Deckchairs on the Titanic" is one of Dad's many sayings which basically means filling in thyme while actually achieving nothing at all. This kind of explains my existence at the moment with lots of jobs being done just to keep me sane and pass time. As many of you have noticed, itz a thyme of turmoil aboard. 2B Bi polar iz a difficult thing and takes a certain amount of effort somethymes itz more than I have. As an example itz currently 2am in the morning, I can't sleep (even with my tablets) so I'm changing fuel filters in the port engine room. Some suxcess 1 changed, one refuses to budge.
"Dinner Bell" , I managed to score this gr8 flathead while tied safely to a jetty in the marina itz no fillet steak but still made a fantastic dinner.Here we go again itz 2 dayz later 2.15 in the morning I'm wide awake and have just removed and replaced the troublesome secondary filter in the port engine room, what else would I be doing at 2 am ?
Wednesday, 7 September 2022
G'day All, Hanni and the boys have come and gone on what waz an eventful trip.
when he arrives in 3 weeks the yot would still be broken and this needz 2B fixed B4 he arrives with his son Cooper for a week aboard.
Friday, 19 August 2022
30 Second challenge!
Sunday, 7 August 2022
3 wordz you don't want to here on a yot!
5 meter swells, No propulsion, No anchor and a bloody big reef system!
The no anchor bit iz sort of true, I had a brand new 60lb anchor and 50 meters of brand new chain. Just No anchor winch to retrieve the anchor. If I decide to drop it in the water thatz 25 meters deep.
Thyme to make the call!
The yot iz drifting at 1.8 knots North by North East heading rite for the Ningaloo Reef, upcoming disaster!
Itz not the yot breaking up on the reef thatz got me in a twist but the possible ramificationz of said grounding, just 1 of the 2 beanbags splitting would create an ecological nightmare. Turtles Dolphins and manta rays all feeding on bean bag beanz. Imagine the clean up bill!
The cause of all this mayhem 200 litres of fuel from my forward tank, it managed to add water to both fuel tanks. Shutting the first motor down as I passed North West Cape, No drama just run on the Stb motor until Tantabiddi. That waz until the Stb motor went out just 3/4 mile from Tantabiddi entrance.
Now the yot iz drifting 2ward the reef and limited wayz of stopping it.
Radio for help then try to restart the motors No joy! Lotz of replyz on the radio so I knew we were safe! Now itz just a matter of saving the yot!
Abandon Ship !!!
48 hours later and we still have a yot!
The anchor and chain held the yot just 200 meters from the back of the reef. Next morning No Sleep! We hired a trailer boat from Exmouth and headed towards the Tantabiddi Ramp. The swell had dropped from 5 to 2.5 meters. I could see a mast from the shore but didn't relax until we were tied up to the side of the yot. With Alex and Wendy plus myself aboard we were able to retrieve the anchor after Wendy dove on the anchor and freed it up from the coral.
Lessonz learnt, First up is a water trap on the bulk fuel tank and second is a lifejacket for Sue. Also needed is a plan for abandoning the yot, what to take and what to leave.
Itz just 2 weex until Hanni and the boys arrive for a week long trip to the islands, Hanni will also be bringing the rebuilt anchor winch and also the refurbished Powerdive unit. This means we'll be able to visit the dive moorings near South Muiron island as well as fish Purple Patches again.
Wednesday, 29 June 2022
G'day All, Welcome to sunny Exmouth!
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
G'day everyone!, The title soundz worse than it actually iz!
Itz been nearly a month since the last entry in that thyme Big Ash has been for a visit followed closely by nephew Chris. But the overriding news iz the fact I awoke to Big Ash telling me my travel companion Sue waz missing from the Yot.
We were 28 miles North of Exmouth between the 2 Muiron Islands a ruff night gave way to my awakening. What to do? Not much I really could do, The current waz about 5 knots and the dog had been missing since 5am (last sighting) Big Ash set off in hiz boat down current in a vain attempt to find Sue, meanwhile I had a breaky bourbon and went upstairs to sit on a beanbag and muse over the eventz.
While there I looked southwards towards South Muiron and I could see an animal on the beach!
I tried to raise Ash on the vhf but no joy ! So I set off in the dinghy ...
Suxcess! Sue waz on the beach, half a mile from the yot against an amazing current but there she waz!
They say catz have nine lives but Sue haz used all her lifelines! Holy Crap!
It still amazes me but the discussion iz did she jump or fall? Who know'z , itz never happened B4.
Meanwhile, Big Ash left here with a freezer full of filletz. Chris did the same! Lotz of fish available (if you know where 2 go (local knowledge iz key!)
The first week of Ash'z trip we spent on my marks at Outram patches way North of town. We filled the freezer in no thyme at all. The second week waz a totally different story!
You have 2 fisherman with more than 30 yearz experience each , the latest in satellite tech, shadow mapping on C map, Navionics and Lowrance Global mapping. "We caught Squat!" Embarrassing.
We were 30 miles South on the outside of the famous Ningaloo Reef, but still no joy with the fishes. South passage haz alwayz produced fishes B4, so when Chris rang to say he had bagged out ! leaving from South Passage each day I waz skeptikal until he sent me the fotoz. Local knowledge iz everything! Chris got hiz GPS marx from Brother Andrew. and managed to fill hiz freezerz with quality fillets.
Saturday, 23 April 2022
G'day all,
Itz taken a few weex but GALLEYCAT has finally arrived in Exmouth. A monumental trip of 850nm, 9 dayz of travelling but a few stop's along the way. I left Hillaries on a Sunday B4 heading to Two Rocks to hand back an access key, then it waz thyme to point the yot North again with Dongara being my first stop. Lancelin and Cervantes waz in the plans but I passed by at 2 am so fishing waz not high on the agenda.
One night in Dongara then I headed for Geraldton another 300 miles North. Ruff as guts but the yot handled the conditions well, A second night of sleep at Geraldton B4 I headed for Steep Point near Shark Bay this means passing the Zuytdorp cliffs 200 km's of sheer cliff face North of Kalbarri (no safety). The yot travels at about 5 knots or 100 nm per day.
2 days of R&R at steeps b4 I headed North again aiming for Coral Bay. No go! no local knowledge at Maud Point , to dangerous at 3 am (no local knowledge so I headed further North) to Norwegian Bay just 150km,s south of Tandabiddi. Big Ash and I have been here B4 so I knew this waz a good anchorage.
Monday, 21 March 2022
G'day All,
Itz a few weex later and Galleycat has left Mangels Bay behind and now find myself in Two Rocks getting the yot ready for itz annual trip to Exmouth. Just for kicks there'z a late season cyclone off the North west.
This foto iz my mate Jim with 2 brand new shimano fishing rods he found on the sand behind Galleycat in 3 meters of water, we serviced the reels and then looked them up on the BCF website $199 each. Not a bad haul. We think a kayaker must of tipped over and lost them. Complete with lure and squid jig. Jim haz gone in his yot Racundra to Busselton looking 4 work.
I moved the yot to Ocean Reef marina last week and then up to Two Rocks today. While at Ocean Reef I scored this gr8 flathead in my crab net "lunch". I've eaten the last of the mussels and the crabbing iz finished for another year
At Ocean Reef I also spotted this tinny which doesn't look like much but itz actually a Quintrex Fishabout built in 1978, I had one built in 1976 and itz the best tinny I ever had. This one looked like it waz straight out of the showroom itz owner said itz been in a garage itz whole life. Not bad for nearly 50 years old.As I said at the start itz thyme 2 point the yot North towards Exmouth for this years cruising season.
The yot iz full of food, fuel and water and I've made it back to Two Rocks after a brief trip to Hillaries to pick up 400 litres of "free" fuel. Ash's cousin Aaron had to empty a boat fuel tank so he donated the diesel to Galleycat.
The journey to Exmouth is nearly 900nm and will take me a couple of weex of travelling.
Itz 48 hours later and Galleycat iz tied up at Dongara Harbour approx 350 km's North of Two Rocks a busy night gave way to a 2am sleep B4 starting the engines again at daybreak B4 heading towards Dongara. One motor running at 2000rpm gives me 6 knots which uses fuck all fuel but moves the yot 100km North or more everydayWednesday, 16 February 2022
G'day All, As the title suggests I'm eating fresh Cockburn Sound mussels as often as possible.
We raid the mooring floats until we find one with heapz of big onez at the centre. Then Tyson and Jim jump in and pull off Big bunches of these tasty morsels. Unfortunately that meanz you have to kleen them but hey the price per kilo iz gr8.
Lotz of creamy Mussel liguine and then steamed chilli / garlic musselz.
The yot haz left Rockingham and iz now down inside the Mandurah Estuary, I'm here with one purpose only and thatz to tuck in2 some fresh Mandurah crabz. Cockburn sound iz closed to crabbing and itz been hard to get a trip to the Swan River so I've set off in Convoy with Jim on the mono hull yot RACUNDA.I arrived safely at 7 pm under the bridge and then ran straight aground on a sand bar. This had me stranded until high tide at midnight. Once refloated I headed back into deep water and dropped the pick.
Itz thyme 4 the crabz to shine!
And shine they have, Big Ash showed up on Saturday morning with a couple of kids in tow and we set the nets on one of the best crabbing sessions I've ever had!I only have one net aboard but that net has yielded 15 crabs 2day and I'm just coming into peak hour when the crabz come out 2 play.
Itz 2 tripz later and the crabz have defiantly gone!
We tried both mandurah and the Swan for a basic result of 20 on the first trip and zero on the second trip.
So itz thyme 2 point the Yot North with Freo sailing club the first stop on a journey that'll take me through to Two Rocks where the yot will be lifted out for itz yearly coat of antifoul.
Tuesday, 18 January 2022
G'day All, Summer has arrived ! with day thyme temps hovering around 40 degrees.
The big news is a "disaster", with our family run hardware store being destroyed by an arson attack. Luckily Dad had the place insured but that still dosen't fill the void left by a shop thatz been run by Dad for 31 years.
The yot has been busy with a trip up to Rottnest chasing King George Whiting, no luck but lots of sand whiting and flathead made a superb meal. The other staple at this thyme is fresh Cockburn Sound mussels making there way in2 the steamer, served with chilli and garlic steam.