Sunday, 10 December 2017



2 trout 1 lure
 G'day All,
                  Finally got the camera to talk to the computer (well sort of ) !
So with this new tool at my disposal I recorded this sunset.
As the title suggests  we headed out for a leisurely trout fish.
Only we do it slightly different to the Kiwi's and Tassie folk.
We troll in very specific patterns with a good spread of lurez. Quiet fishing you'd think, Not on Groote!
We even had several of these double hook upz, not two fish on different rods we get 2 trout on 1 lure in this case a gold colored one worked well.
The trout were coming over the side constantly. We only needed a few so most of the catch went straight back to the reefy patch they came from.
There waz absolute chaos as my lure got grabbed and disappeared in the other direction, after a short tussel a really nice Spanish Mack in just 2 meters of water and right in the bottom end of a massive bay area. Damn!
This means we already have fish sorted for xmas when Mum and Dad are due.
We are still without generator power which of course meanz no air con and only limited refrigeration (wkoa)
Taylor is now sending the 2 capacitors by express post.
I've ordered the new temperature sender so finga'z crossed I should have Air con by Friday but I wont be getting to excited until it actually worx.
We are making use of the off swing shift for Andrew, Chris and Blackout, to do a few more of the tasks on the list. Construction haz begun on the new fishing bench out in the rear left corner of the main deck.
While on the other side the B.B.Q has been moved in2 itz final position ready to be bolted in place. Andrew has serviced all the winches ready for our big trip North.
I've managed to rig the hammock out on the rear deck which is gr8 for a midday nap when itz 2 hot inside.
We now have stepz half way up the mast to the cross tree (T shaped bit half way up a mast)
We recently had a visit by one of the 2 small female crocs. Big Cory (4m male) hasn't been seen for a while but this one wasn't even slightly wary of approaching the rear of the Yot.

Monday, 27 November 2017


G'day All,
Still no photo's but the problem iz short lived as the new camera haz finally arrived.
Now all I need is 2 get the camera to talk to the computa.
"problem solved"
Soundz easy but not in the Tropical North where the plugs on the side of the computer are all corroded.
And too rub salt into the wound the new computer doesn't load hard drives 4 sum weird reason.
Basically itz a trying period with all number of small problems made more so with the daythyme temps and humidity in an all out race 2 see which can B higher before 8 am.
Itz only the daily 3 pm storm that
coolz down the yot to acceptable tempz.
We did a trip back to mainland Australia this week to collect Blackout and a buffalo.
We found Blackout but no Buffalo alas it'll have to wait for another week.
A 90 mile round trip that Andrew and I enjoyed with a night fishing on Alangna shoal in the absolute middle of BF nowhere 25 miles from Groote and 22 miles from Numbawar settlement where we met Blackout.
Lotz of fish but all small and a steady parade of 7ft lemon sharks (or maybe it waz the same one)
The Yot handled the trip really well with a major diesel issue having been resolved in the last week. Basically the diesel tanx aboard have a weed like bacteria in the actual fuel. This leads to blocked filterz and excess amounts of water in the fuel.
The Stb tank had 5 litres of water and 3 litres of brown goo that we removed from the tanx be4 new fuel and filters were fitted.
The Port tank was only a minor amount of weed build up but no water.
This trip to Numbawar gave the whole system a good run and to also helped calculate fuel consumption rates while towing a tender. Ruffly 50 litres for 100 nm nice and easy 2 calcul8.
Chris iz in Darwin kompleteing hiz final exams that make him a qualified electrician. Once he getz back itz anybodies guess as 2 how long it iz b4 the powers send him on hiz way.
The yot iz alot closer 2 being ready with no generator still being the biggest issue!
The generator starts and runs for about 7 minutes then an alarm iz triggered that basically turns the engine off. We have a temperature gun aboard but the generator is running perfectly at 70 odd degrees  so it must be in the new control module that was installed last week.
The whole thing is consuming way 2 much thyme!
Still one must slow down and just look at the sunsetz, The sunsets here, while itz this tropical are amazing! I hope to have photo's soon as.
I have a neighbour at the moment and it turnz out he's a repeat traveller as I'd already met him in Townsville and the Whitsundays, Troy and Pasquale aboard the monohull MIROOL.
He iz on his way back from the Ningaloo and Kimberly region after travelling across the bottom of this gigantic island. Australia.
A big g'day to KC in Darwin, See you soon.Maybe sooner rather than later.
Finally sum major headway with the Genset!
Taylor from Sealink Ferries was on the Eylandt to fix the ferry, and managed to visit the Yot B4 he went back to Darwin.
Temperature issue solved "broken sender" then an under voltage alarm was triggered, a couple of tests later and the capacitors fitted in Cairns one has failed. Taylor will return on Monday with the new capacitors.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017


G'day All, As many of you have noticed the blog hasn't been updated for a good while. 2 Fold reason!
I still don't have a working Camera to take photoz for the blog and the workload aboard iz massive.
The Cyclone season iz upon us already which means the Yot needs to be able to move and survive the excessive windz and wavez.
We have selected a safe anchorage in the bottom corner of Bartalumba Bay, this iz where the tug boat from the Port sits out itz cyclone plan.. 6 meters deep and protected on 3 sides by mangroves. A dual anchoring system means there will be 60 meters of 10 mm chain plus 2 anchors set up in series (thatz not going anywhere!
Many of the jobs needing completion are related to the new pergola outback. 2 wind generators and 2 xtra solar panels meanz lotz of wiring running up on the roof.
Chris waz able to supply the conduit ducting that keepz all the wires tidy plus weatherproofing most of the connections.
The generator is still not working! The part arrived but alas several special plugz are needed to install the new control panel , these are in freight limbo between here and Perth. That meanz no air conditioning. This yot iz much more prone to heating in sunlight, being dark red hulls and 4mm aluminium sheeting. The old Galleycat was timber and foam so it weathered the hot temps far better than this version. The oppressive heat of the tropical wet make daythyme activities limited to a few hours around dawn and dusk. while mould growth on the outside painted surfaces iz out of control.
We have managed a couple of trips out fishing over the last few weex with 1 trip South to catch a sailfish from Chris'z tinny. We not only landed a sailfish but two of them with a couple of minor hook upz as well.So our 3 day safari was over in just 1 day.
We returned to town and basically pointed the Yot North again headed for another "weekend" of Blackout drinking and fishing. Lotz of trolling for coral trout interlaced with drinking means not too much got done on sorting the wiring on the pergola.
Still no sign of Hanni and the boyz from Sydney.
The yot iz getting a full  renewable energy refit with new circuitry for each of the 6 solar panelz and 2 wind generators also, providing plenty of power to run the boat. I will be installing amp meters to each of the energy sources so I can monitor the incoming voltage and itz usage.
The compressed air rivet gun haz finally arrived so I can get the stepz fitted up the mast which intern leads to the mast mounted camera ideal for driving around reefy areaz such as The Ningaloo Reef and Rowley Shoals  "most important"!
I will endeavour to get a few fotoz via email from Chris and Andrews phones. I'm planning on getting a replacement camera in the next few weex Once the genset stops swallowing money.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

ASH Wednesday

G'day All, Itz now Wednesday again and for the past week I've had Big Ash aboard for fishing , fun and frivolities.Ash haz now returned to Perth and Galleycat passed the week without major incidentz or breakdowns.
Every other boat we spent thyme with waz having engine troubles! We put it down to a bad batch of Opal fuel. It seemed the Yot went from Mothership 2 Hospital ship as more vesselz tied off with engine issues.
As you may have gathered I still can't download pictures to the computer.These fotoz come thanx to Ash'z phone. A new puter haz arrived itz just not funkional yet plus my digital camera haz now died.
I will get on top of the technikal issues sooner rather than later.
 Big Ash arrived last week for a weex R&R aboard. This was the first real test of Galleycat as a fishing destination (wkoa). We ended up with countless species of phishes with lotz of trophy'z amongst them.I won't list the species but several nice coral trout and a few pelagics made up the tally.
Many night thymes resulted in more phish than our daythyme trips. throw in a few oysters and the occasional squid and you have the makings of a superb seafood banquet.
2 chefs aboard the food waz alwayz going 2B good but
Galleycat definately shone, during a week of culinary feastz. Fresh pickled Queenfish (nummas)  and fresh coral trout salad wrapz were a few of the stand out dishes.
We spent many hourz fishing around Chasm Island with a 1 night trip to "Waynes World" in search of better bottom fishing. Chasm Shoal won out though with some amazing phish coming aboard. However it was the tripz aboard Blackoutz boat that yielded most of the trophy fish. Huge Mulloway (black jewfish), Cods, Mangrove Jacx  and Nannygai filled the kill tub.(200 litre drum)
As expected the on board alcohol supplies took a hit but it made for some memorable moments.
If only I could remember them!
Just kidding, my alcoholism proved tame compared to my visitorz. But that comes with the lifestyle.
   The seasonz have already begun 2 change heralding the coming Cyclone season. Itz crunch thyme! run from the cyclones or ride them out.
I still need at least 2 months to complete the fittout plus the arrival of Hanni and the boys iz just 5 weex away.
With any luck I'll have many of the projectz finished B4 itz thyme to head towardz the relative safety of Darwin and itz marina berth safety.
Galleycat iz in need of some professional help with the Genset and Water maker on the list of things needing attention. The Anchor winch has burnt out itz reversing solenoid so another haz been sourced through Ebay.
Dadz been busy back in Perth with the Coffering (timber worx) finished in the new house.
The led lighting makes the coffering look sensational after dark.
Yippee! I've managed to download the busted camera 2 the new puter so we have some thing to look at.
This weekend will see me back at the top of Chasm Island for the Ladies fishing comp. Once again Galleycat will act as the mothership this thyme only 2 boats are due.
A further unexpected surprise was the arrival of my good mate Andy from Townsville, he's here  to run the sealink ferry for the next month so I see large quantities of drinking during the coming weex.
My missing dinghy has been spotted in one of the rivers south of town with a crew of locals aboard. They've been told by the elders to return the tender but still no sign of it. They may of sunk it or hidden it in the scrub to use later.
Still only thyme will tell if I'm going to get it back.
In the meanthyme I'm preparing another dinghy to use in the interim.
Galleycat iz now in a "state of limbo" as I await the arrival of many ebay items to repair on board damage / faultz.
New solar regulators, a new winch relay plus a replacement paddle for the kayak are all due shortly.
We  have returned to Chasm Shoal and recovered the anchor and chain we left behind during the ladies fishing comp.
Repairs to the genset are also underway with a new control board being sourced from Power Equipment Australia, it turns out this  model of genset has always had a bad control board and  a replacement version is available.Once the new board arrives I should be able to run the air con and fridges again.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Orr CHASM!!!

Ok... OK...
Thyme to get an update in !!!
Thanx to everyone who wantz an update...
As you can C we still have no pictures available.
We've done 2 trips since the last update a 3 day journey to Chasm Island and Marble point.
Heapz of fish and oysters for the B.B.Q,
We spent a night anchored on Chasm Shoal pulling in Gold Band, Blue bone, nannygai and mackerel.
Then back into marble point for swimming and Oysterz Kilpatrick by the dozen.
Old Mate Blackout showed up with hiz 7metre fishing toy so we went for a nightz drinking at Waynes World. Then back to Marble again.
More deep water phishing with some big Mangrove Jacks and more Nannygai.
Back to town and reload the yot for a trip South to Salt Creek in search of Mudcrabs.
Another 3 day expedition with just as much drinking as the last trip.
We did find a few mudcrabz but lotz of water between them.
Then it waz bak 2 town in preparation (wkoa) for the fitting of the new pergola over the rear deck.
The roof from the old boat will be floated out from the beach B4 being winched and heaved aboard the new Yot. Once the roof iz fitted we will have shade over the whole rear deck and fishing platform.

WOW! What a difference a day makes..
The pergola is now aboard plus the inside kitchen bench haz been moved through 90 degreez.
Itz truly a different boat.

The work continuez onboard with the new pergola now fitted and ready to wire with lightz and tunez.
The fishing platform iz slowly becoming user friendly with Blackout finding a piece of moulded poly pipe that we'll fit this week once  Andrew, Chris and Blackout get dayz off, around Wednesday they all come off shift with 7 days off.
Still lotz of jobz 2 do with another trip to the top of the Eylandt this week also.
Hopefully I'll have the genset working with the new waterpump fitted I've now got an oil warning shutdown. So I've ordered a couple of oil filterz and a new oil sender unit just 2B sure.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017


I'm once again having photo download issues but that hasn't stopped the work getting done.
I've been on Groote for a week and a bit now and the yot has changed so much already.
The fishing platform iz now fitted and operational with night thyme fishing and squiding once again practical.
Chris had a spare LED light bar for the front of a 4 wheel drive roo bar. So we have heapz of light.
I've realized we didn't save any of the tackleboxes from the last yot. I've got a few lures and soft plastics but no hooks or swivels. Hasn't stopped the fishing lines from keeping us supplied with fresh filletz.
I have a couple of house guests for a few dayz while they are without somewhere 2 sleep. Christina and Tara have set up camp on the front lawn.
I've  fitted the electric winches to lift the dinghy for transporting. We spent last weekend up at the top of the island fitting the fishing platform, the dinghy was towed for that journey.
The boom bag iz now complete and fitted, with the stepz on the mast coming to a grinding halt with the new pop riveter not working. Once the stepz are fitted I'll be able 2 fit the lazy jack lines to the top of the new boom bag only then will the mainsail become fully funkional.
I'm having battery charging problems with both the solar panels and the generator having performance issues. I've ordered a new impellor to try and improve the cooling water flow of the generator.
Jake haz made a triumphant return 2 the Yot with his new perch being on top of the stereo.
I've taken lotz of fotoz of the upgrades but 4 some reason the camera won't talk to the computer for downloading. Thyme for plan B, I'll get Chris or Andrew to download the camera on2 a memory stick or drive.
Task Complete! Andrew has downloaded the camera so I can finally reveal the new phishing platform and it didn't take long to christen the new deck with some quality fish landed during this weekends trip up to Marble Point at the top of the island.
Heapz of Nannygai and a nice gold band snapper made up the bulk of the fillets and a nice Spanish Mack filled the icebox.
Thyme 2 head back to camp and relax under the air con!
Our daythyme temps hover around the 28-30 degree mark so the aircon is almost luxurious.
There seemz a never ending list of jobz needing attention!
I forget too easily that it took 4 years to modify the last yot 2 suit my purpose and lifestyle.
The water pump on the generator iz the culprit thatz been causing the overheating issue, so with a new impellor and water seals the pump will be fully rebuilt B4 itz refitted.
I've managed a trip up the mast and fitted the Lazy Jack lines, this means the big sail is finally funktional.
It seems that the jobz requiring attention are never ending!
I must focus on living life rather than constantly trying 2 improve my life and habitat.
With awesum fishing and great weather I should be at least content but alas itz not 2B.
Thankfully I am aware of my current mood swing and take stepz towards impovement.
Mum has found a new lease on life with the doctors winning the battle against her cancers.
This alone should be cause 4 celebration (wkoa) and thanx.
Thyme for a bit more living and less working I think.

Monday, 12 June 2017



G'day All,
                 After spending nearly a week tied up in Cooktown it waz finally thyme to set off for Cape York.
I was keen to get some miles under the keel and finally get the main phases of this journey underway.
Our thyme in Cooktown waz not wasted with many of the tasks waiting on the blackboard being completed.
Ally carved a seahorse out of a rib bone we found on Low Wooded Isle. I managed to get the rear pontoonz painted ready for the new stickers after the name change.
Once Ally'z ride arrived it was pedal to the metal as I left Cooktown under full sail with just one motor on 2000 rpm I was getting a solid 8 knots no problem.
Without the boombag or lazy jackz fitted I decided not to use the main sail while running solo itz too easy 4 things to go wrong when your on your own.

 First major hiccup waz where to put a15kg spanish mackerel with the outside sink becoming a fish cleaning bench. Now I've got plenty of fish to eat.
The trip to Bamaga iz nearly complete and I've now got internet again so I sent off a few quick emails then began this blog entry while I have service as the one thing I do remember about bamaga is bad fone service.
I'll try to catch up with Lucas while I'm here catching up on some solid rest.
The anchor winch iz giving me a few headaches so I'll fix it while I'm here.
This yot iz a beast with travel thymez nearly half that of the last yotz. An average speed of 8 knots iz certainly a good way to cover the miles I've just done with 2 breaks for sleeping I made the journey in just over 2 dayz.
So with a 16 hour sleep and a few minor repairs done,I've set sail once again on the final leg of this journey.
360nm or about 3 days should see me arrrive at Groote Island.
Hopefully this weather holds and I'll have a 20 knot tail wind to push me across the Gulf
Itz now 3 dayz later and I've arrived safely at Groote Eylandt.
I vow never to cross the gulf again!
Another very ruff trip with the yot handling the big seas with ease.
The dinghy broke itz lifting straps causing midnight chaos and danger.
The only other hiccup of the trip is the Stb motor loox like itz blown an oil seal, what was once a clean engine room now has black oil everywhere, Big clean up  job!
The engine runs fine itz just losing oil and making a huge mess.
Thyme now to relax 4 a few dayz B4 the task of fitting the fishing platform and the pergola begin.
Captain Felix

Saturday, 27 May 2017



Galleycat iz finally ready to head North.
Ally and Tarshe (dog) have joined Honey and myself 4 the trip.
Ally arrived Friday evening with binie(Jeff) and Tarshe ready to head up river in the colander however the dinghy motor decided to go on strike.

John and Jason helped out with a replacement tender and Jason rebuilt the electric motor from my tender.
3 burnt out windings and a gearbox full of water.
All fixed thanx heapz Jas!
The task of finding Galleycat hidden under the shell of Nightmoves iz nearly complete.
We chose Sunday morning as the ideal thyme 2 remove the rear deck window ready 2cre8 my new "pass through" between the inside and outside of the yot.
The passage between the inside kitchen and the new pass iz now wider by 200mm may not seem like much but the difference iz incredible.
The outside kitchen iz now fully funksional!
Having the pass through finished meanz the dishes can need B placed inside or food can bee transfered outside.
The tempered glass shattered in2 thousandz of shardz all over the rear deck and Tarshe,
Then the task of clean up began 2 hours and 1 hot vacumn cleaner later and another job iz complete.
The yot iz 95% ready to head towards Low island on the first leg of our journey to Groote.
After a few days of re supply we have finally left Cairns aiming 4 Port Douglas. Once there we have sourced a replacement minn kota motor for the colander.
The transformation (wkoa) of the rear deck and kitchen area iz already proving very practical and funktional.

We've now left Port Douglas heading towards Osterland Reef on the Gr8 barrier. We'll camp overnite then head towardz Low Wooded Isle and a feed of Mudcrabs.
We will also stop  off at Cape Bedford for a feed of oysters.
3 dayz sheltered behind Cape Bedford  as a low pressure system gave us 30 knotz of breeze relentlessly.
There is a gradual reduction in the ever present gales so we are heading to Low wooded Isles where we'll shelter again but at least we can fish and tangle with a few jumbo mudcrabz.
The other purpose of heading to Low wooded is to run the desalinator unit for the first thyme, as our main water tank is now empty herez a chance to work out how to make fresh water.
Possible change of planz withh Ally deciding itz to ruff for here to continue with the journey so we'll head back to Cooktown so she can get a ride home.
The constant 25 knot wind meanz we have a 14 mile slog straight back into the swell and waves.
Safe in Cooktown!
Itz like de javu all over again.
I passed here 2 yearsago and it seemz like yesterday.
I didn't realize that it had been so long but the pharmasist made note of the time difference.
We are tied up in Cooktown for the next 4 or 5 dayz until ally'z ride arrives.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


G'day All,
                  While the blog haz been ignored recently, I've actually been quite busy with 10 dayz bak in Perth to help Mum out.
I've now returned to Cairns with Honey after a marathon effort in Perth. While I waz West I managed a couple of fishing tripz and tiled a bathroom at Mum and Dadz house. Along with a trip to Ash's man cave that led in2 a fantastic day trip to Lancelin in search of  WA Dhufish.
My main aim waz 2 get stuck in2 a Dhu or 2 for some Mothers Day lunch or dinner. Task complete!
Alas, I'm once again having camera issues with charging now the issue. My charger iz on Groote Eylandt with all the other stuff.
The yot has been moored for a couple of weex  inside Trinity Harbour with a few of the local yachties keeping an eye on her and watering the plants/ triffidz. The seedlingz planted upon my arrival in Townsville are now fully grown productive plantz. The basil and silverbeet are huge, lotz of green tomatoes on the vine. The herbs 2 have filled out with thyme, rosemary,spring onionz, chives and parsleyz all ready 2 use in the kitchen.
The outside deck area iz becoming more Galleycat useable with the bench, sink and wok burner all coming online in the next week or 2. I've begun to get Nightmoves ready to become Galleycat with the fishing platform and bench beginning to take shape also while the fore deck and fishing platform both get a salt water hose for washdown, fishing or cleaning the mud off the anchor.
I've met up with Ally who answered the ad for a deck for the trip North to Groote.
With the generator service still 2B finalized I can't leave til next week probably closer to next weekend.
So the obvious answer leave Cairns and head out to Turtle Bay (my Cairns anchorage), for a weekend of getting to know each other and do sum maintenance on the hullz.
I plan to beach the yot and get my first look at the bottom of the new Galleycat.
The trip to Turtle went resonably smooth we did have dinghy issues and copped a couple of big waves that flooded the entire rear deck area.The plants got a salt water drenching.
Lessonz learnt and with the hullz scraped clean of barnacles we headed back to Cairns.
As you can see the camera charger haz arrived from Groote thanx to Brother Andrew.
Ally has agreed to come along for the trip to Groote so itz one last week of prep before we set sail North towards Hope Island and a feed of mudcrabs.
Itz thyme 2 go...

Captain Felix

Sunday, 16 April 2017


G'day all,
                After what seemz like an eternity I finally have  a replacement vessel to continue my journey.
The 44ft ALI Catamaran Nightmoves iz now mine and is being prepared to head to Cairns from Townsville.
 Thatz right!, I'm right back where I started in Townsville.
The new Galleycat is much larger and spacious than the old version.
Fully airconditioned, with laundry room and de salinator unit. While itz a huge step up there is still lotz of work to make her functional and designed to suit my type of cruising.
Needz rod holders to start with.
First task now I'm here is to remove 200 plus kilo's of brown rice and brown pasta along with 60 bottles of Dolmio sauce mixes.These will be donated to a worthy charity soon as.
Over the next few days I'll upload some fotoz and update the story regarding how the transformation (wkoa) iz progressing.
The new galleycat haz inboard diesel yanmar motors plus just about every feature required for long range cruising, 1100 litres fuel capacity means I can leave Townsville and not need to refuel until perhaps Thursday Island or maybe even Groote Eylandt.
An on board Genset gives more than enuf power to
run the fridges and aircon unit.
Galleycat is under Nightmoves I've just got to find it!
The rear deck will gain itz access way and a kitchen to rival the last Galleycat over the next week or so.
I've organised the aluminium to fit the mast with steps and a bag to drop the Mainsail ( big one) in2.
I cant download fotoz at the moment atm.
So I'll just fill in the blanks with description.
Before leaving for Cairns I kneed to have all the materials to fit out the rear deck. A double bowl sink, bench top and dedic8ed still area. All the bitz and pieces must be aboard B4 heading North.
I'm heading 2wardz half moon river just up from Cairns.The 2 main fuel tanks have now been fitted with site tubes to tell me just how much fuel iz being used.
Update Thyme!
                          I have left the marina in Townsville  but am parked just outside in the "Duck Pond".
I can't head North until a few ebay items arrive so until then I've set about building the rear kitchen and deck area.
After just 1 day I have a sink and the island bench fitted.
I still need to plumb in the sink and fit a bench top to the bench but the framework is completed.
I've finally sourced a new cable to connect the camera to the laptop so herez a few fotoz of the upgradez so far.
The rear transom (back wall) now haz itz access  way cut through. this will lead out onto the phishing platform once I reach Groote Island to collect all the stuff from the original Galleycat.
The dinghy that came with the yot had 17 holes that kneaded repairs. These complete the dinghy iz now called the "colander". I've fitted the electric motor and ordered a bilge pump just in case any of the leaks re-open.
The access way now haz a floor thanks to a big piece of aluminium chequer plate. This will be shaped and fitted this week along with a couple of sides that'll be made out of Nema Board.
I purchased 2 big sheetz of Nema (plastic wood) 2 manufacture the outside kitchen bench.
Lotz of mess later and the bench just needz to be finished with a router to curve the edges. Hopefully I can borrow Kens router this weekend!

Ken haz been and cre8ed a snowstorm with his router and planer. The bench and rear door side panels have nice rounded edges. Lotz of thyme spent with the vacumn cleaner and the carpet was found again.
There appearz 2B a problem with the genset. It only produces 120-130 volts when it should put out 240 volt.  This needz attention but the desire to get moving iz pushing me 2 wards leaving in the next few dayz and repair the genset in Cairns.
  With this goal in mind a last trip to Bunnings has all the plumbing required for the rear deck sink plus a sea water washdown system can now B fitted.
The wok burner and spare bilge pumpz have now arrived and can be fitted during the trip North.
The initial distill has been completed with 13 litres of spirit out of my first batch aboard this Yot. Itz a scary thing to have to go to BWS and buy alcohol.
So 15 odd litres of Felixxer finally produced I can concentr8 on getting this yot to Cairns over the next week or so.
The journey North haz begun with a lunch thyme monday departure.
So for the next few dayz I'll B out of internet and phone range.
