Tuesday, 30 December 2014


 G'day All!,
                  I've been just a little busy during the past few weex but I'm finally able 2 update the fotoz of Galleycat.
As U can sea my home is now a shade of monochrome! Tomorrow the task of sanding and filling begins "again" with the final coat of gloss paint due 2 go on in the first few days of the New Year.
As usual itz all thanx to Ken's effortz! also King Richard who's financing the re-paint.
Even with the stifling temperature and humidity at the moment Ken came in from his Xmas break to spray the first primer coat.
The Yot is on the slip until the 2nd or 3rd with the topcoat and decks still needing to be painted, there wont B 2 much New Year cheer but the results are already visible with sunglasses needed if you venture out on the front during daylight hours.
I'm Xtremely anxious to get all the bits bolted back on and head away from the shore for some Great Barrier style temperature relief.
Javier (my Spanish guest is keen to catch a fish as well).
The list of jobs to do is nearly finished and once the paint goes on it'll be a rush to attach the safety rails and front deck. Only then can I point the Yot towards the open sea.
The new hydraulic ram is now fitted and ready while the docking upgrades are nearly complete.
The damaged keel haz also been repaired, plus the problematic rudder supportz have been strengthened and improved.
As you can tell we've been a little busy and are in defin8 need of a break.
The final sanding and filling iz now complete and the Yot is ready 2 receive her coat of shiny white paint
The weather haz done a complete backflip and now itz the driving monsoonal rain thatz governing our available work thyme.
Yesterday waz a complete write off with deluge levels of water keeping the yot saturated.
On the brite side the new rear blinds are working really well!
My bed area stayed completely dry during the tropical storm, I'm thinking our first cyclone can't B 2 far away with the heat,humidity and now afternoon storms all supplying the perfect conditionz for my favorite form of weather.
Miss Amanda made contact during the Xmas new year period, twas gr8 to hear from her again. While Brother Andrew is catching all sortz of sea creatures with fotografic proof to back up his wild stories.
The rainy days have allowed me thyme to complete a few of the internal tasks like finishing the wiring of the new solar panel regulators.
I'm still at a loss as to how to rebuild the downstairs kitchen to allow for improved dry good storage but I'm sure the answer will present itself soon.
The new fridges are in a word "Brilliant" I've improved on their performance with new internal covers over each section so when the lid is opened I only open the section I knead,
The transformation(wkoa) is nearly complete and the difference is amazing!
With the deck paint and grip now complete the Yot is like a brand new boat.
We managed to get a few dry periods between the downpours today so  Ken and I worked the periods to complete the fore-dek. Itz ready to have the front mesh dekz refitted.
As you can see from the fotoz, the hand rails have already been re- attached.
As usual the Yot has fought us the whole way with front support bolts snapping when we bolted the main triangle support beam on.
The 30 year old stainless bolts didn't like being re-tensioned, still itz far betta 4 this to happen now rather than when I'm 200 miles North.
Javier has discovered a passion 4 sailing since living aboard and is now heading 2wards The Whitsundays to learn what I already know, they R rather special.
He haz managed to get a couple of trips out from here on the Weekend sailing boats.
Unfortunately my demon haz reared itz ugly head again. There seems no rhyme or reason as to why this haz happened, Everything is going well and I'm progressing well on my plan but still like a freight train I'm slammed with  uncertainty and debilitating oppression.
The doc's have me swallowing this chemical cocktail in an effort 2 keep the demon away and for the most part it worx but every now and then it returns.
The one advantage is at least now I recognize the signs and can respect it 4 what it is.
this doesn't change the fact that any drive stops dead and the concept of getting out of bed or even eating suddenly seems 2 hard.
I'm filled with intense anger and I don't  know why! So I stay kleer of people and general life as an attempt not to be provoked or lash out for no logical reason.
I'm sure like the last few thymes this 2 will pass and life will be good again.
I'm pushing to get the Yot ready 4 sea today in an effort to distance myself from people in general.
Unfortunately the laptop aboard haz become a victim of the heat and humidity and died a peaceful death.
So until a new unit can B sourced I'm limited to updates from the internet cafe.
All will be restored soon!


Sunday, 14 December 2014


B.B.Q    PIZZA's

G'day All,
Life aboard is in a state of utter chaos!
With the Yot undergoing her paint job at the moment,nearly everything is covered in a layer of sanding dust and the tools are crowding all the remaining space.
I'll introduce you all to Mick and Katie who both hail from Scotland, they've taken up residence aboard 2 help with the huge task of preparing the front of Galleycat for painting.
We've spent day after day filling and sanding all the nicks and scratches in the deck and cabin sidez.
coconut curry!   
We're now ready 4 Ken to inspect our work and  lay on 40lt's of high build primer,  then itz a week  more sanding.   YIPPEE!

The daily routine of  humidity, stifling heat then evening thunder  stormz has now begun in earnest so we are limited to just a few productive hours each day.
One really huge positive is the new refrigeration is amazing!
 The power consumption is less than half of the old engels and waeco's.
 I can now keep both ice cream and frozen yogurt! with the freezer holding  at negative 15 degree's easily during even the hottest dayz.
On top of the power reductionz associated with the fridges is the arrival of the new solar panels which more than double the collective power.
I've had a major computa failure  with the laptop going on strike.
I'm not sure wot killd it!, between   the dust, electrical stormz, xrteme heat and humidity  and downpourz it went on the fritz.
But I've  now managed 2 coax it bak to life with sum basic electrical detective work.
Just 4 how long who knowz?
The Yot is as bare as itz been for a long thyme!, with no hand railz,  front trampoline grating, Wft no1 or anchoring systems. The ropes and pulleys that make the boat work are all removed and stored inside, adding to the chaos.
The gardens and homebrew have also been sent ashore for the duration (wkoa) of the painting.
To make life just a little more interesting I have a Xmas party to cater this week. the yard will hold itz annual bash on friday afternoon with 80 people a ruff xpektation (wkoa) of guests.
5 different roasts will be slow cooked then sliced then served with really nice gravy'z and sauces.
I'm guessing every dish will have just a little "yot dust" seasoning.
The fishing and crabbing is nearly non existent with nightly rainstormz filling the creek with tonnes of leaves and grass clippingz.
Brother Andrew continues to catch amazing phish with a huge cod on lite gear this weex notable capture.
The hydraulic problem haz now been addressed with a local engineering firm manufacturing a whole new center piston out of high grade stainless instead of the chrome plated steel that Ultraflex supplied.
This should fix the problem once and 4 all.
The sewing machine haz been put to good use also, with the blindz Mum and I sewed in August now fitted and working brilliantly.
I can sleep out side in even the most severe nite thyme stormz.
The party nite haz  arrived with  this   years menu proving 2B far easier 4 me to prepare with nearly all dishes complete and just needing heating or final plate up.
I've spent the last couple of  evenings getting the prep work done in the hope that this year I can relax and enjoy myself rather than spend  the entire  nite in the galley.
What a saxcess!
85 people fed with top notch food  and drinx while most left early a  few of us partyed until 3 in the morn.
With the usual recovery period.
Itz now thyme  to get bak 2 the task of painting the Yot!
My 2 Scottish friends have now left  to head  down to the Woodford Music Festival, however Javier from Spain haz arrived 2 take their place.
With the yard now firmly in Xmas shutdown mode, I need to push to get everything ready to paint b4 the end of this week.
We have continued 2  fill and sand each day in the hope that when we  do get the first coat of primer on the next sanding layer will be easy!
The hydraulic ram haz now been rebuilt and installed so once the paint iz on the front Galleycat can return to sea!
As usual
at this thyme of the year the focus turnz 2 food with some extra amazing  dishes being produced.
This slow cooked (14 hourz) garlic and rosemary rump was just one of the party meats!
While one of our trawler mates haz left me stunned he bought a few boxes of prawns around for the party and workers.
Well 1 box has me checking for a new species "prawns are not normally 14" long and nearly 2" around.
This haz resulted in just a little cre8ive menu planning with these  prawn / crayfish  needing something special.
The final decision was to try a lite prawn and chive morney! The result truly "amazing" !
I've also been given a 4kg piece of Wagu beef that'll be saved for the Boxing Day Barbie.
The Yotz up on the slip!
Itz thyme 2 paint!
There'z a hole in the bottom of the rudder mount after our reef strike on the return from Airlie beach.
The world's all good and itz Xmas.
Captain Felix "out"!  


Friday, 28 November 2014



G'day All,
Itz been a long thyme since my last update!
Once again I've had an extended visit from my demon.
This downturn is only now beginning 2 lift!
Captain Felix took over 4 awhile and I found myself shanghai'd to Magnetic Island one evening, it was here I realized my battle was fruitless and distracting!
So with much renewed vigor!, itz all ahead full for Groote Eytland in September.
With the renewed forward  motion my appetite returned and just a little bit of cre8ivity.
I had a half pumpkin left by my vegetarian house matez of the last few weex, so it was roasted with bacon, garlic and fresh thyme. While a spud was roasted with rock salt and chorizo 4 a totally different taste, then the toppings were switched on the plate and served with a dollop of sour cream and fresh herbz.
Oh!, and a pint of Felixxer...
I'm finding myself more and more angry with every week I spend tied to the shore...
So it was really nice to find Bowen waiting for me when I returned Galleycat to the slip.
One of the major aspectz of my battle, was my desire to fill the void left not having Cameron in my life.
With his birthday passing during the past few weex I've found myself spending many hours in not very quiet contemplation (wkoa)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my special little man! Who is not so little anymore.
The faithfulness of a dog is such a comfort in darker thymes even if itz not your own dog.
I've currently got a "perfect" dog with all of the playtime and companionship but without the long term commitment
With the negativity flowing lately it was gr8 to get this foto from Brother Andrew.
This Rapala Magnum Lure met itz match in the waters around Groote.
While I've managed a few nice mudcrabs (not Hill inlet nice, but still Ok) and a really ugly stone fish.
Mr Mick haz returned to Perth just in thyme 4 the demersal ban. He's already begun planning our next trip. It remains 2B scene if this trip is on the East or West coast of the Island

 The escapism of Felix haz now given whey 2 the total upheaval aboard with 5 or 6 BIG jobs underway again.
The internal flooring has been removed in readiness  4 the new refrigeration (wkoa)
All the old fridges are now running on 240 volt power and the new power circuit is in place.
The old dividing wall near the inside kitchen haz been knocked out to make way 4 the new slouch lounge that'll be fitted on top of the fridges.
While all this iz going on the front aluminium trampoline haz been removed as haz the hand safety  rails down each side of the Yot. This will make the job of painting the foredeck (front part) a whole lot easier.
Also another big hole haz been cut in the side of the Yot  allowing me 2 remove the troublesum steering arm that failed during our return trip from Airlie Beach.
As I said itz a thyme of true "Upheaval".
The new steering arm will be made out of a 63 mm 316 stainless steel pipe that'll be welded together meaning no more corrosion or weak pointz.
This will be a case of absolute Ovakill but apparently steering is important!
 I've place another advert on Gumtree in an effort to find a few willing helperz to transform Galleycat bak in2 a working sail boat again.
Slowly the chaos of the past few weex is returning to sum semblance of order, with the internal flooring now refitted and the 2 new EvaKool 60litre fridges fitted.
I still have to convert the refrigeration (wkoa) area into a slouch lounge but this is a task that can be left for a period when then is less 2do on the exterior of the Yot.
By the end of this weekend I should have the entire foredek (front) of Galleycat ready to begin sanding in prep 4 painting.
The temperature and humidity is steadily climbing leaving just a few hours early and later in the day a practical work hours.
Still the job must B done!
On the contact front I received a blast from the past with one of my former CB radio friends making contact after 20 odd years.
It seems Evette without one,
 is now Evette with 4.
Hubby and 3 kidz!
Congrats to you Evette! Seems as if life is pretty good.
I've lost touch with both Mermaid and Fridgy Brad over last few months which is sumthin that needz attention.
By now young Cooper (Big Ash's kid) should of received a special gift of "clic" sunglasses to protect his damaged eye.
While both Brother Mark and Brother Andrew's kids are having a defin8 period of change and flux.

Cameron is probably giving Skye (his Mum) just as much grief.
Teenage years can be "So" much fun if' you can just let go as a parent.
Not that I've got that option just now! Thyme will change that!
Bak 2 the Yot!
With the removal of the troublesum Waeco fridges the power issues aboard should diminish over the next little while.
The new EvaKool units use less than half the power while giving a 50% increase in storage capacity. Thyme will be telling factor hear 2.
With the removal of the steering arm I found major damage 2 the hydraulic ram that steers the Yot.
With no spare parts available a new Ram must now be sourced.
If you need steering components don't by "Ultraflex".
Hydrive have a couple of rams that'll do the job, so I'll sell the Waeco's and buy a bigger, stronger ram to replace the damaged one.
It seems a never ending task of maintenance and replacementz aboard with all aspects of the Yot.
Jason has provided a new desktop computer to operate the video editing software, this to is something I need to spend more thyme learning as the ability to produce short video clips is sumthin I've wanted to achieve from the very beginning.
The temperature is defin8ly on the rise with work now finishing around 8 in the morning and recommencing around 4.30 in the arvo.
This sux but if you plan your day rite you can actually achieve far more than if you simply slogged on through the heat and humidity.
My Gumtree ad haz been suxcessful with a Scottish couple arriving this week. My goal is to have the front of the Yot reddy to sand I'm hoping to have this major task complete by Friday.
With the weekend approaching I'll close this entry and begin anew!
Captain Felix

Friday, 7 November 2014



G'day All,
I know I've been a little tardy with my updates lately!
Many of you have rung 4 an update, so I'll start a new entry 2nite.
My thyme over the past 2 weex has not been spent id-dilly (wrong spelling I know)!
We have had another Big cat up on the slip 4 a complete re-spray. Lotz and lots of hours of sanding and filling to produce an amazing transformation (wkoa).
I  had decided I was going to roll a final coat on Galleycat when I got sum spare thyme!
However afa seeing the amazing change to "delorian" I'm going for the full re-spray!
The difference in the final finish haz 2B scene 2B believed!
Galleycat haz also been undergoing a change!, with the forward screens being removed and replaced with strengthened supportz.
2nite the Yot is held together with tensioned ropes, a chain block and an "acrow" prop.
 All of these need 2B removed B4 lunch tomorrow as we are heading out 2 Salamander reef 4 a spot of night phishing!
Night thymez have been taken up with the construction of a solar hot water system 4 the Yot.
Conveniently the Catamaran parked next 2 me has a commercially produced unit on itz deck that I'm using for inspiration (wkoa) as I totally ignore their design and build my own.
I've also cleaned up the dinghy trailer that came with the new tender so it can be sold and turned into a new generator for the Yot.
Hopefully once the new Hot water system is online I will only need the Genset for emergency power.
Our fishing trip was a suxcess, however we never made it to Salamander Reef! The wind waz up by the thyme we left harbour so in the spirit of
"The Path of Least Resistance"
 I changed course and headed to the Northern end of Magnetic Island onto my nannygai lump. After a few tries we managed to anchor up on the lump and soon had fish coming aboard.
The wind continued to make life difficult so around 8pm we set off for Horseshoe  Bay.
Dinner  was grilled chicken, fresh coleslaw and potato salad.
We settled in for a night fish and continued to catch long into the night.
Early the following morn the tides and moons aligned with heaps of trevally, javelin fish (grunter) and even a 3 foot cattie keeping us all busy.
Around 10 am after a breakfast of ham and cheese croissants, and a visit from Mick and Kane (dog) from cyclone 3 in Whitsundays last year, we pulled the pick and set sail back to Townsville. Arriving around 1pm.
With that trip complete itz now thyme to seriously get stuck into the refitt and painting prep.
The new fridges have been ordered thanx 2 Brother Mark and the current solar panels have been unbolted in preparation(wkoa) for a complete upgrade. the new gen style panels will more than double the Yotz solar capacity.
I have a couple of Backpackers arriving 2nite so I'll have a hand with the jobs over the next few dayz.
Brother Andrew has decided to fit his 7 meter power cat YOGI with a couple of new sails this week.
Personally I think he's got Yot envy !
and has decided to once again outdo anything I catch.
Big Ash caught a huge feed of sand whiting with his kidz over the weekend (I seem to remember him reminding me to warn him never to take all the kids fishing again).
While Carl even got a fish in this weekend past as well with a jigging session off  Ocean Reef producing 2 Sampson and a W.A Dhufish but with the demersal ban on in Perth, the Dhu lives to fight another day.
I'm guessing Mr Mick will be due back from Croatia anythyme soon.
King Richard is now back from his charity ride through South Africa so calm should return to the yard forthwith.
My 2 guests have now arrived Pia from Germany and Joanna from Belgium. We have the task of painting the pergola well in hand and with any luck the job will be complete by Monday.
Well with lotz of help (far removed from my Brazilian possums) the yot now has a painted roof and is ready 2 head towards Magnetic this week.
The girlz R keen to find a Koala while I'm happy to leave the yard with no re paintz this week.
The upcoming week is the conundrum with a desire to return 2 The Reef expressed by both myself and Joanna I think there's a fair chance of another trip out wide!
I'm really beginning to think about Balance!
While I desire the final paint job 2B complete I also enjoy fishing the reef and this is where my conundrum beginz...
As I'm now far ahead of my ridiculous schedule why not take thyme out 2 smell the roses!
After a morning "cruising" the local market itz V8 Heaven! with the final race a Phillip Island B4 Sydney's showdown. And with Tanders HOLDEN running out of fuel aka Whincup itz a really open battle even if the champignon ship haz been decided.
I'm spending far more thyme trying to work out a "Balance" between moving 4ward and
existence comfortableness.

Saturday, 18 October 2014


G'day All,
                 Itz once again thyme 2 return to Townsville! Allreddy!
With King Richard about set to jet off to Africa for his charity ride, I'll be needed around the yard  for the next few months.
After Mum and Dad headed bak 2 Perth I had a week up my sleeve to prepare Galleycat for her return journey and settle down to watch probably the most amazing Bathurst I've ever seen.
Then it waz thyme for Brother Mark and his "girlfriend???" Emily to arrive for a week of fun and frivolities.
The weather godz were kind to us as we set sail for Macona Inlet just next to Nara.
It was then thyme to teach Emily how to catch her 1st fish! (while we waited for the tide to abate)
Not a bad effort a huge trevally as her initial capture!
Once the tide had dropped enuf we set out to collect a drum full of huge rock oysters. (2nd task accomplished).
Then after a good nites sleep and a hearty breakfast we set off towards Whithaven.
This was 2B our home for the next 3 or 4 dayz. Full relaxation (wkoa) mode!
The aim here was to relax, swim and find a few more of those monster mudcrabs!
Many meals of seafood and other culinary delights made the dining table as well as just one or 2 bourbons.
I even managed do conduct a "wee bit of pirate-in" during one of the messier nights.
My mate "Pud" had the party boat "bella jayde" parked on Whitehaven with a crowd of German Backpackers.
They weren't quite sure what the make of the raiding party that boarded the vessel in the dark of nite. Just pillaging no raping!
This of course resulted in much mayhem and laughter and more drinking.
We've had a few issues with the
propellor on the tender with the central rubber hub slipping.
So we had to make running repairs (several thymez).
However our repairs and crabbing trips did eventually yield another of those huge muddies.However only a couple this thyme.
We've begun the long trip back toward Townsville in a screaming 25 knot SE breeze.  The Yot and the crew are both handling it well and we've even managed a nice northern blue tuna into the mix.
The breeze iz supposed to drop off on Monday,so we are heading for the safety of Bait Reef to wait it out.
more to follow once we are safely moored up!
We made it!
Bait reef all to ourselves! But that is hardly so very surprising as itz blowing a solid 25 knots with 3 meter waves to keep it interesting.
Inside the Reef its nearly flat calm but still very windy.
Bruce has shown up with a few of his trevally mates to bid for food. The tuna waz  around 6 kg, so we'll cut a bit for sushimi then diced the rest for the huge school of phish waiting at the rear platform.
The crew did exceptionally well not to be sick on the trip across with sum very big sea's rolling the Yot around.
The middle floor is leaking again! (bastard) but only around 8 litres got in during the 5 hour crossing from Apostle Bay.
We did really well with the sails providing heapz of power to keep us moving along between 6 and 7 knots.
The plan waz to get Em onto a good sized fish but with the conditionz being wot they were, saner thortz prevailed and Mark made a solid fight out of the capture almost.
4 lunch we settled down 2 a chicken bacon and cheese fillet burger  ( no thanks to "COLES" nearly all our bread had gone mouldy already).
sux big thyme!
 Still the par bake rolls were all good.
The diving too is suffering a little with the conditions, but once your underwater itz still a very magical place.
I've even managed 2B bitten by a GT!
Not too many people can put that on their resume'
While taking shelter it was thyme 2 prepare a feast with crumbed oysters served with a chive and lime dressing being the chosen fair.
The trick was Mark and Em had to shuck the oysters.
I offered much advice from the couch and soon they were both shucking like pro's!
We spent a day and a half sheltering from the winds inside bait reef with several dives each and a whole lot of fish feeding.
One special treat was sending our tuna
 frame over the side with Em attached to the other end of the rope.
A 5ft white tip reefie came up to play with much tearing and splashing he soon tore the tuna 2 pizza's.
But with the weather clearing and only getting better as the week goes on we have once again begun our quest North 2 wards Townsville.
A solid 20 knot breeze has us cruising along around 6 1/2 knots with 3 lures out back in hope of a tuna or spaniard.Not that we need anymore!
The basic plan (if there is one) is 2 head North with the rougher weather then fish  and dive the reef once the betta weather arrives on Thursday and Friday B4 heading into Townsville on Saturday.
Perhaps a day at Magnetic Island if we get there a bit ahead of schedule.
We've just gained internet  signal again so itz thyme 4 an update on our progress...
The good weather we've been waiting 4 hasn't arrived, so we are now heading in from The Reef.
A few wild days have been had, with a complete steering failure the biggest hiccup!
The beam joining the 2 rudders together came apart during the wild weather causing some very hasty repairs to be undertaken.Itz a good thing I've got 240 volt power and power tools to fix these kind of breakages, a normally equipped Yot would B stuffed!
After a repair job we set off again, Northwards on the very outside edges of The Gr8 Barrier..
A great nights fishing  at prawn reef has our freezer full of emporer fillets.
We are 30nm from Magnetic Island under full spinnaker and cruising at around 6 knots. Trolling!
The spanish mackerel seem 2 of disappeared to be replaced with the far less palatable shark mackerel.
The weather in a word has been terrible with a near constant 25 knot breeze, rain and big tides creating not the most enjoyable conditions.
Still we've managed quite well by sheltering behind reef systems at night. Somethymes a little to closely as we've bumped into the top of a few bommies. No damage!
Still everyone is totally rested, fed well and the Yot is in one piece, so all in all itz not been that bad really.
The food list reads like a four star restaurant with sessions dedic8ed to planning the meals for the day.
Today for instance:
Breakfast: Muffins topped with cream cheese,ham,scrambled egg then a layer of melted colby  to top it off.
Lunch: Fresh crumbed pork fillet burgers with fresh apple and pear sauce plus all the trimmings
Dinner:Poached spangled emporer,meniere' sauce,steamed asparagus and squash with grilled polenta,
Dessert: cinnamon poached pineapple with butterscotch cream and home-made frozen mango yoghurt.
All low fat of course! NOT!
2nite is our last night at sea so a special meal seemed fitting and with the total calm of Horseshoe Bay being a very welcome change we should all party into the wee hours B4 sum much needed solid sleep.
ITz nearly a week later:
 Mark is bak in the real world !
Em is back beside a pool in Vic and Galleycat is now tied to the shore just outside the yard.
Our last nite in Horseshoe Bay turned out 2B truly fantastic! As the fish turned on a really gr8 nite.
 During the day we'd moved the Yot a mere 200 meters and this proved a huge transformation(wkoa) to our fishing effortz.
We caught more sharks than I could count and Em had a gr8 tussel with a 3ft cattie!
She'll know about the bruises in the morning!
Mark and Em spent the morning ashore xploring  Magnetic while I did sum basic maintenence.Then it waz thyme 4 a special meal to celebrate the end of the trip
We set sail early the next  morn 4 Townsille hopefully in thyme 4 the V8's at the  Gold Coast.
It seems the concept of beaching yachts is viable for the yard, as I need to wait out a repair to another Kat B4 I can park up in my normal spot and begin 2 help around the yard.
The yard is in defin8 need of a hand with many of the jobs at the same level as B4 I left,
Already the joblist has grown at an alarming rate, I've begun 2 fill in a  big worklist that requires my attention.
It was only 2day that I realized that I'd taken the positiveness of Em's ability to divide life in2 two distinct halves, one of these being life!
The Yot now haz 2 distict halves one being YING the other YANG and itz simply a matter of balance.
The pace of life here is weigh 2 fast 4 my comfort and I'm defin8ly seeing the need to leave "civilization" wkoa...sooner rather than later.

I have many hours of preparation   (wkoa) and work in my future as I get Galleycat ready to proceed with her journey across Australia.
The steering is in need of major "toughness" upgrades, We had far 2 many problems with it during the rougher conditions.
The refrigeration also has had itz last journey, I'm on the verge of setting up a final refriger8ion system that'll make life aboard "SO" much more practical.
The troublesum Waeco's will be replaced by 2 brand new Evakool 60litre fibreglass units 1 of which is 2B a custom built freezer unit
Both systems fridges and steering are hamstrung by the basic need 4 power!
More consumption means the need 4 more production.
So 2 new 200w solar panels will be fitted to the pergola in a major upgrade of the solar production capacity aboard.
The trip as a whole was really gr8 with the thyme spent with family a real bonus.Now itz thyme for 3 months of hard graft to complete the upgrades and paint the Yot.
Itz good to know that even in fairly intense weather Galleycat can not only hold her own but ride it out in safety and comfort.
I'll end this entry here with the knowledge that I'm closer than ever to "LIVING MY DREAM"
Captain Felix

more 2 follow!