G'day bootiful peoples!, the land of blood,sweat and fibreglass dust and more sweat is once again online! aka Galleycat!
As the title suggestz itz been a really hot week, intermingled with pouring rain and much progress,both forwardz and backwards! What waz a 1 step program has now outlived it's usefulness and become a 2 step program with trimz and even paint.The port (left) side step is now complete,the side wall is in place and our focus has now moved to the other side. As I mentioned itz raind
A-LOT since last week. This rain presented a few issues that needed immediate attention "ie" leaks. After repairing 6 or 7 leaks in the windows/roof /hatches /deck. It waz thyme 2 get back to the task of rebuilding the port side deck area and progressing with the upgrade
of the whole rear deck area. Pole no 1 is now firmly welded into place on a deliber8 slight inward angle, the top rail (that'll hold the B.B.Q is fitted) and the side wall is now finally attached to the hull.It'll take a heap of "fairing"(shaping and sanding) to make this "block of flats" feature blend into the original design, but I'm sure we can make it look like part of the original build. Each step seems like a major task but after spending more than a year on this project I've come to the realization (wkoa) that you do it right the first thyme you don't have to go back and fix it less than a year later.So at each stage now I'm into "the final stage"
there is no revisiting later!
The steps we've fitted this week, look like they've always been there. Also they are ridiculously strong, but need 2 B because when thingz go wrong and U R running from one end of the Yot to the other you don't need a step the collapse under you! So after much fibreglassing, a bad case of "de-lamination"(wkoa) the first of the 2 stepz was completed.(epoxy and polyester don't mix)
It took a little thought and argument but we finally added a trim to the front edge for both strength and aesthetics.Then
the trim was routed and fibreglassed into place.It was about now that the rain reared itz ugly head and leak prevention became the no 1 priority. So with zero fore-thought the Yot waz fitted with a couple of impromptu "eyebrow's" These are designed to stop my $1500 super hatches from "piiiiissssing" water inside my YOT! This task should not be necessary but after last Sunday it waz no longer an option, first thing Monday, after drying the 2 hullz, I set about making an awning for each of the side hatches. These "eyebrow's" are made of the new supa-material nydiaplast,so are ultralight and will never rot or deterior8 and already have proved there
effectiveness with further downpourz doing zero damage 2 the interior of the Yot. It'z only been a year and I now consider the Yot to be "watertite".
That waz until this morning! (see later in this entry).
Friday lunch this week was a heap of "mini-quiches" with roasted pumpkin, chorizo and parmasean being the most popular of the 7 varieties. I also made some fresh tropical fruit kebab's,with mango and pineapples being nearly a throw away product here!The kebab's were soaked in a fresh mint, honey, sugar and drambuie syrup that possibly made them the best fruit kebab's I've ever tasted.The poor herbs and vegies are not taking this heat 2 well with the tomatoes nearly dead
and the basil seriously suffering , I'll have to rethink the shade for them, once they become my highest priority job. Which at this point in thyme is a seriously long way away.(the thyme is dead by the way)
The(staunchions) saftey lines have now been removed from the sidez of the Yot and the new stainless rails are sitting on the floor of the shed ready 2B welded to the pergola support poles. In any other yard this would be a $6000 job,but not here, the stainless and fittings have cost $600 so far and by the end of the job I reckon the total might get to about $1000.All the support poles for the "pergola" have now been cut and 3 of 6 are now fitted to the rear deck area.
side note!-the "C" word is now in full swing here with C-word parties each night at every venue around the YOT,me personally I avoid the C-word like the plague but is seems 2 permeate modern "culture" completely. I did go out this week 2 puchase a C present for Ken,which of course was out of stock!,a penn liveliner 560 rod and reel combo from Tackleworld, that they've rung me today 2 say is now in stock, so on Monday I'll head out to pick up the only
C-word intrusion on my life this year other than that good wishes and good times to all. I am so over the commercialization(wkoa) of everyday life.#(how long b4 easter egg's are in the shopz).
Sorry I got all politcal 4 a minute or 2. Truely Depressive!
Next week will find me leaving the yard for a much needed break, as I head off to Airlie beach, unfortunately not on my own Yot but the super Yacht Whethersfield, Ken and Mary have invited me to join them on a cruise down to the Whitsunday's. I for my part intend to cook 4 them and fish my passage there and back.It's the least I can do. Can't wait really, it'z just unfortunate my good mate Tony won't be with me the first thyme I hit Airlie beach, like we arranged.
Congratulation's 2 Jamie Whincup! fantastic racing and a true champion, Next year Craig! Saturday's racing waz truely amazing with pouring rain and incredible overtaking moves and of course my really good friend "Greg Murphy" hitting the wall at 200kph.. Sunday however was dry in Sydney and seriously wet here with my TV aerial dying 30 mins before the end of the final race of the season (extremely high blood pressure!!!!)
After moving to the shed to watch the championship decided, I ordered a new antennae on Ebay.
Bak 2 the Yot, step 2 has now been fitted to the starboard (right) side and the 3rd pergola pole is in place.It was very early this morning 4.30 actually that I bit the bullet and started the last of the major jobs in pergola prep, the right side rudder system needed to be upgraded to match the left,this one waz not broken but it would of broken just when I least needed it too. This was the purpose(little dolphin) of the trial tripz,to fix these structural problems.
So very early this mornin I started the whole removal of the rear deck (only fitted 7 months ago) and chop my way down to the 2
support bolts that hold the rudder in place. By 6.30 tonight I had the boltz exposed and 3 layers of decking removed.It'z a huge job that just has 2b done b4 the last of the pergola supportz are fitted next week or the week after.Itz not until the last of these poles are fitted and "welded" that we can continue with the construction of the "pergola".The final fitting will create a completely new YOT with both shade and waterproofing provided by this HUGE roof area.It'll also provide a fresh water collection area and a place to fit the solar panelz (so generously donated this week) "thanx heapz matt!" The 2 wind generators and kayak davit's will also be fitted once the pergola is finished.Also canvas shades and insect screenz will be another rainy season job.So still lotz of work ahead but defin8 signz of progress. Both forwards and backwards,such is life aboard Galleycat. On a really positive note once it reached 35 degree's today I slipped inside the newly air-conditioned cabin area for a much needed "nanna nap"! I awoke refreshed and rested at 5.30pm and continued cutting and chopping the rear deck.(lotz of sweat) The advent of the new air-con makes life in the tropics really bearable with the internal temp of the YOT dropping from 51 degree's to 23,with the air-con running ,just right for a mid afternoon nap.
It'z now 11 oclock on Friday nite so itz thyme to think about a few drinks and perhaps some dinner,so that's all from tropical north Qld this week.
Ciao 4 now
Captain Felix