Wednesday 25 August 2021

TOM TOMZ .....

G'day All, and a really BIG hello to my mermaid Amanda in the UK.

As you can cee the new hatch above the skipperz chair iz now installed and working. I also have 2 house guestz as 2 swallows have decided my air con unit iz a gr8 place to source dead bugs and nesting materialz.

Once the anchor winch iz fixed they'll find their nesting place iz up for a big move.

The Tom Tomz are beating! LOUDLY  telling me itz thyme to leave Perth behind and point the yot Northwards again. I'll start with Lancelin then graduate to Exmouth. The weather godz are all against this trip. As itz Cyclone season in just 4 months. No insurance if I'm above the 26th parallel.

The guy in these fotoz needs to update hiz insurance as he forgot to put the "bungz" in! Hiz boat sank behind mine in about 30 secondz. He needed a life jacket and a lift 2 shore. The salvage guyz took about 2 hours 2 refloat the trailer boat. B4 towing it back 2 the boat ramp.

Meet Sue!
My new travel partner haz arrived. 
Itz Honey mark two as she looks just like my previous dog honey.
Sue haz been at the Dogs home looking for a new owner. She iz a staffie kelpie cross. 6 years old and ready to join Galleycat for the next phase of my journey.